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RE:RE:Thank you,Raja!
by Leroy on Mar 29, 2008 11:30 PM

He/she is right.

123 sucks big time, bashing of raja sen and not people harping on his skills is not news.

We used to be doubtful of critics, and watch the movie anyways w/o reading critics since thy only tell the story and criticize actors and don't know a clue abt the technical aspects. So thy just mix in mumbo-jumbo words and say stuff tht not evn audinces care abt.

But now a days, audiences don't trust critics at all in the 1st place, whn they gave postive and excellnt reviews for OSO.

Anyways, hindi audiences always cared for entertainment and kiddy stuff tht make us laugh or be in awe of a krrish.

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