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utter crap...
by srinivas on Dec 11, 2006 07:15 AM  Permalink 

Hey this movie getting 3.5 rating by rediff is surely not worth it. i would say a 2.5 should do good. I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ve seen the movie and felt that the acting part was left for the asking...nobody, I mean even Big B too was not powerful in the movie. Atleast for most of the movie. The only instances are when rani cries in rain and the whole of the climax was good. Apart from that nothing was good about it. For the first time not one actor was was giving a good performance...I felt salman could do much better than that...nothing new about rani...it was the usual chalte chalte kinda actin...ITS A FLOP. nothing personal but I went with lots of expectations but was left high and dry with poor performances.


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Babul - The honest review
by Aman on Dec 10, 2006 11:45 PM  Permalink 

If u r young and like sensible movies or action oriented movies then buddy take my advice. Dont ever think of watchin this pathetic movie. The movie really S*UCKS
The dialouge delivery is as pathetic as it could be. In the first scene it looks like that salman is drunk and he is overacting all the way through
Its too predictable and u could predict the end even before the interval

Its the first movie in my life that i have left midway through. I hv seen the worst of the movies in full like Mumbai se aaya mera dost, yeh silsila hai pyaar ka but i could not stand this one.

but if you are old and living in the imaginary era of 80's or early 90's you might be able to sit through the whole movie.

I dont know how rediff is rating movies. This movie is really badly made and any critic out there would understand what i am saying. The movie deserves only one star (if any).

Final advice = dont watch this one, instead do watever. its a total money and time waste

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Rani..The Best Actress
by Shaikh Babamiya Usman on Dec 10, 2006 08:24 PM  Permalink 

All the films of Rani Mukherji are excellent except few. In each and every film she performs as natural. The plus point is that the chatacter that she plays is always has a strong base for the story. I like Rani Mukherji. That means I always admire her acting, not only that I am a big, big... fan.
Ok Rani Best Luck for your future.

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by PRATAP SINGH on Dec 10, 2006 08:10 PM  Permalink 

Baabul had an outdated topic to begin with....subjects like remarrying and the father in law giving away the widowed daughter in law was dealt with in movies like Sholay where sanjeev kumar kumar contemplates Jayas marriage to Amitabh....and this was over 20 years ago.Besides,the treatment was amateurish and playing to the gallery.what was the need to show a tepid romance between Salman and Rani till the interval when the primary focus should have been between amitabh and Rani????How did Rani decide to marry John all of a suddden in a couple of scenes which did not have any intimacy to begin with?????

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it might work bcoz of salmans popularity
by anand on Dec 10, 2006 07:19 PM  Permalink 

nothing new in the film but can work bcoz of salmans popularity.

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by Arun k on Dec 10, 2006 05:31 PM  Permalink 

I have not seen such a shit movie ....n i will not dare to next time

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I want my money back
by Sudeep on Dec 10, 2006 05:04 PM  Permalink 

I want my money back..... I was able to see people walking out (especially families) after the intermission.... and there were people who started whistling during a sentimental dialog. And I could over hear people pleading "Not Again" during the last half hour while the director was desperately trying to conclude the movie. I bet if there was no big B in the movie it would have been box office disaster... To be frank enough i felt like watching a soap opera.....

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by vijayendra on Dec 10, 2006 04:00 PM  Permalink 

I really and strongly feel that you are taking money for giving good ratings to such as useless and awfully outdated movie like babul. the movie has nothing new to offer in any category like romance,comedy,sentiments or execution of the story.It is a complete wastage of time and money to watch it.We dont go to a movie to just watch Amitabh or rani or anybody else but,rather a movie as a whole.

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Big B, Rani . .
by Harish on Dec 10, 2006 11:24 AM  Permalink 

I've John Abraham in few previous films including the most disgusting Garam Masala. I don't think he should act in films anymore. We already have plenty of "acting ke naam par dhabbe" in films. No need to add more. About Babul, lesser said the better. The entire film has parts lifted from similar films released in last thre years. There's nothing new. Other than Rani, everyone including Big B should take a couple of years off, relax and come back fresh. Thank you.

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