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Babul - The honest review
by Aman on Dec 10, 2006 11:45 PM

If u r young and like sensible movies or action oriented movies then buddy take my advice. Dont ever think of watchin this pathetic movie. The movie really S*UCKS
The dialouge delivery is as pathetic as it could be. In the first scene it looks like that salman is drunk and he is overacting all the way through
Its too predictable and u could predict the end even before the interval

Its the first movie in my life that i have left midway through. I hv seen the worst of the movies in full like Mumbai se aaya mera dost, yeh silsila hai pyaar ka but i could not stand this one.

but if you are old and living in the imaginary era of 80's or early 90's you might be able to sit through the whole movie.

I dont know how rediff is rating movies. This movie is really badly made and any critic out there would understand what i am saying. The movie deserves only one star (if any).

Final advice = dont watch this one, instead do watever. its a total money and time waste

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Big B, Rani excel in Baabul