what kind of moronic movies these guys make. am surprised at the kind of time these movie critics have to devote to trash like these. only in india the audience can tolerate utter nonsense like this. these kind of movies are an assault to senses. but carry on indian movie goers you are used to this kind of trash and this is what you deserve. continue your idol worship, let Amitabh make his billions and you enjoy the fact that he is making billions while you sit in your shanty and eat chana.
Movie is total disappointment, it is no where near Rajkapur's Prem Rog on same subject. It is not so easy to tackle on this topic as shown in the movie. Only good performance by two characters Big B and Rani does not make movie good, rest all characters in the film including Hema were wasted. Poor script and direction. Pls learn something from Sooraj Badjatiya. Film does not deserve so many starts.
theme was good...amit ji always excellent salman good..rani good but wht d hell aman verma was doin in there john lookin shit and movie fails to provide a grip for d first 2:30 hrs
The movie does not live up to the expectation of the title itself. Baabul lacked pure emotions. Movie not very well explored for e.g John rani relationship. No spark in Salman rani love story. Too much footage given to Amitabh and rani. Though they are usual best but doesn't help the theme baabul. The movie excels in bits and not on the whole. Infact Vivah on the other hand was much more honest film. One could relate to the movie unlike Babul.
Songs of baabul were complete let down. Aadesh things if he will make amitabh sing everything will work. He is a big LA of big B.
it has been, recently, a fashion, to rate the movies "excelent', "good" which have amitabh or srk in lead roles.Even their moderate and oft repeated performance (particularly in case of bachchan) is rated as "mind boggling". This is the case of babul. nothing new i the film. performances, except by rni and salman are moderate and repeated. only thing, which goes in favour of the movie is that of being the one, to be watched by the whole family without being embarassed.
I saw Baabul over the weekend,but could not quite identify with the story. I mean, here is an educated, rich, progressive family and Om Puri didn't quite fit in as the only traditional member. Besides, at least among the educated middle and upper-middle classes in India, I do not think widow remarriage is quite the issue that it is made out to be in the movie. It would have struck a chord if the family had been a middle class, conservative one, and so opposed the daughter-in-law being married off again. In the circles that this family moves, the angle should have been Rani's reluctance to marry again, and how she is won over by John Abraham, with Amitabh's support. But that is dealt with in two scenes -- in one scene, she's saying to him, "Give me time", and in the next, she is all set to tie the knot. What kind of time did she want? Five minutes? Fewer songs, and more time for the Rani-John romance to develop would have made for more convincing viewing.