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Baabul -- didn't ring true
by Uma on Dec 11, 2006 08:03 AM

I saw Baabul over the weekend,but could not quite identify with the story. I mean, here is an educated, rich, progressive family and Om Puri didn't quite fit in as the only traditional member. Besides, at least among the educated middle and upper-middle classes in India, I do not think widow remarriage is quite the issue that it is made out to be in the movie. It would have struck a chord if the family had been a middle class, conservative one, and so opposed the daughter-in-law being married off again. In the circles that this family moves, the angle should have been Rani's reluctance to marry again, and how she is won over by John Abraham, with Amitabh's support. But that is dealt with in two scenes -- in one scene, she's saying to him, "Give me time", and in the next, she is all set to tie the knot. What kind of time did she want? Five minutes? Fewer songs, and more time for the Rani-John romance to develop would have made for more convincing viewing.

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Big B, Rani excel in Baabul