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Poor review - Disgrace to Legendary actor.
by Sreekumar on Aug 09, 2006 10:54 AM  Permalink 

I wonder how you rediff people can say Keerthichakra is just commendable. Its winning accolades all over kerala. Movie is doing extremely well in BO. I'm doubtful about the integrity of reviewer by commenting like that people may complain about the bulky physique of Mohanlal. Which people sir? Have you seen the movie? Have you heard any body complaining about Lals physique?. Please dont paste stupid comments on this kind of Internationally reputed site.
I am still trustfull about Rediff articles. Thanks to excellent articles by Shoba Warrier.

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Keerthichakra review
by Vinu on Aug 08, 2006 07:18 PM  Permalink 

Please, Please do get someone nuetral to do reviews for you... rediff being a reputed site should ensure that their reviewers are not biased in anyway...

Basically the parameters set should be consistent, when this Paresh Palicha reviews a crappy film like Thuruppugulan or Balram vs Tharadas he searches for reasons to praise it... while when he reviews movies like Thanmathra, Vadakumnadhan or even Keerthichakra he is looking for reasons to deride it... anyone with slightest knowledge of Malayalam films can read the reasoning behind his desperation... but it does REDIFF no good to have such guys do reviews for you...

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Stupid review
by sarath on Aug 08, 2006 02:12 PM  Permalink 

This review is total contradictory to what actually the movie is. The movie is so realistic and far superior to most of the bollywood movies which tried to say the story of militants and soldiers across the border.
This brave attempt of Major Ravi will arouse patriotism and sheer excitment in the audience.It will strke one's chord.
I feel that rediff has some alien set of rules to rate a movie and must learn a lesson atleast from the ese negative responses from the viewers agaist the review.
I will recommend that this is a must watch movie by any indian and should support such bold efforts from the crew behind this venture. Hats off to you all ppl behind this excellent attempt!!!!!

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Very Bad review..
by Ranjith on Aug 08, 2006 11:38 AM  Permalink 

I think in this movie Mohanlal is the perfect one to do that role.

And plz don't rate malayalam movie's bcoz u don't understand the human relations or the feeling for each human being. There's always a message in all malayalam movies and i don't feel it should be low rated like this.

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poor rating from rediff
by nikhil kk on Aug 07, 2006 11:45 PM  Permalink 

when people want to hear the truth,its really bad to give such a rating from Rediff's side. Its saying lack of responsibility and clearly a partial review from your side.
My review: Film is upto standard, but review doesn't comes to an average level.Mr.Paresh you have to watch closely.Its not a family melodrama to give the main roles to ladies. Have you seen Border? Did you find any major lady character in that?
This is not the first time Mohanlal making a hit with commando role. Just watch his role in "Dowthyam". Not expecting irrelevant and irresponsible comments and reviews from Rediff.

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this is just partiality,who wrote this review?
by nikhil on Aug 07, 2006 11:15 PM  Permalink 

keerthichakra and chess in the same class... its just partiality.
when everybody is praising the film, why reviews are like this...?
from today onwards,i wont be believing in rediff ratings...
and the description is realy lacks some main points...
the war picturisation was really good and hav'nt seen any south indian movies like this.
mohanlal did a nice job...
i think the review is made by without watching film.
Rediff rating is bad

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movie keertichakra
by jimmy on Aug 07, 2006 08:10 PM  Permalink 

after a long period of time i've come out of the theatre with some sort of satisfaction & PRIDE...

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