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Keerthichakra review
by Vinu on Aug 08, 2006 07:18 PM

Please, Please do get someone nuetral to do reviews for you... rediff being a reputed site should ensure that their reviewers are not biased in anyway...

Basically the parameters set should be consistent, when this Paresh Palicha reviews a crappy film like Thuruppugulan or Balram vs Tharadas he searches for reasons to praise it... while when he reviews movies like Thanmathra, Vadakumnadhan or even Keerthichakra he is looking for reasons to deride it... anyone with slightest knowledge of Malayalam films can read the reasoning behind his desperation... but it does REDIFF no good to have such guys do reviews for you...

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Keerthichakra: commendable