A few facts about present salary/PLI disparity between Air India (AI) and Indian Airlines (IA) employees.
1. Salary revision w.e.f. Jan,1997 had taken place in AI for most of the Employees but for IA it had yet to be done.
2. Present salary of AI employees after revision is less than those of IA even without revision.
3. Salary of IA employees would be 10 to 12% more after revision than those of AI whose salary revision had already taken place.
4. There is already huge disparity in PLI between IA & AI. At preset IA employees are getting much more PLI than those of AI. Example: - AI Manager gets PLI Rs.10000 to 15000 per month depending on varying parameters whereas IA manager get Rs.45000 (Forty five thousand) per month fixed (no variation).
5. After merging of IA with AI, Salary/PLI of IA employees may get revised at par with AI employees. In that case they would be suffering with huge financial loss.
6. If AI employees%u2019 salary/PLI is made at par with IA then AI employees would get huge financial gain. Not only this, in such scenario present AI management had to pay arrears to all AI employees (including retired) from Jan, 1997 for salary and from Aug, 1996 for PLI.
It's utterly shameful and disgusting that govt owned airline employees had to hijack the operations of its airline to meet its long pending demand. Why cant the ministry think about it before when the demand was first put?. This shows the lethargic attitude of the ministry in approving their wage arrears and shoving it off year after year. Why pave the way for such cheap publicity and put the travelling public in quandry?
RE:Indian Calls off Strike
by shiva on Jun 15, 2007 06:32 AM Permalink
This is a manifestation of govt inefficiency. Despite the modern proactive management styles, ironically touted by many Indian gurus all over the world, we have the worst labour relations in our govt set ups. The unprofessional work ethic stares at you in all our govt depts, even when they operate in foreign coutries.
Who actually is responsible for this flare up? How can such a small minority wreak havoc on such a large scale? It will never be "back to normal", especially for those who have suffered in terms of money, finance and mental agony. Who is going to compensate them? We have to find the reasons for the hold up and punish the perpetrators so that we give such a strong signal that these are never repeated.We must learn from these situations to once and for all, set the house in order and make people accountable. Let us learn from others, who have put these confrontational approach behind. These are unheard of in China, Middle East, South East etc.
My heart goes out to the poor and especially those visiting their families once in many years to spend precious time. They have been cruelly played out. Many eke out a horrible life working and living in extreme conditions and even give up their lives. They deserve better than to be held to ransom by such a selfish minority who have to understand that there are other ways of bringing out their grievances.
We all deserve better and it is very well within us.
Sell them tp private players so we can get rid of this 2 loss making companies and we can also cut down one cabinet ministry which will save 1000's of crores....
They S U C K! Never follows the time! No arrangements for families if flight is delayed even by 10 hours! Rude, ugly, long face, grumpy air hostesses, broken TVs, and so on... Never ever taking Air India or Indian.
Serves us right. In a country where we are not strong in strategies such operational failures will occur. The ruling parties never beleive in creating strong strategies to curb a menace like this.Our pivots are unstable, politically motivated and eternally defective. I do remember over 40 years ago, personnel from emergency services like Medical, Water supply, Postal services, electricity, Railways and Airlines etc used to be legally out of such wild cats.Today we do not have any stringent measures to deal with such situations. Why in the first place create a situation encouraging the workers to go on strike and agree later to the demands. This does not throw good light on efficient governance any way.
RE:''Indian'' Strike
by manoj jain on Jun 14, 2007 06:13 PM Permalink
Well said. Things are not given unless demanded. Proactiveness is missing. Management is reactive.
by Srinibas Patnaik on Jun 14, 2007 06:32 PM Permalink
Pleaes open your eyes. It is not Airports Authority strike. It is strike by Indian airliness. Most of the time Airports Authority is in bad light for wrong reason Srinibas Bhubaneswar
Hand over this department/ministry to Sri Laluji.He may turn the entire aviation section into a good profit making sector.Why these guys like GMR and GVK were given?
RE:RE:The strike caused chaos at all major airports across the country ...............
by Mars on Jun 14, 2007 04:27 PM Permalink
Air-India and Indian should be locked out..pathetic and poor service......
RE:RE:The strike caused chaos at all major airports across the country ...............
by Venugopalan on Jun 14, 2007 04:36 PM Permalink
The government lost a golden opportunity to close down the airline permanently. this might have saved the ex-chequer a lot unproductive funds.
RE:The strike caused chaos at all major airports across the country ...............
by chanakya maurya on Jun 15, 2007 11:40 AM Permalink
Yes, Venugopalan.
Praful did sound a hollow threat.
But failed to carry it out.
Both Indian and Air India have become panjrapoles (= the place where sick cows, buffalos, goats, etc. are fed and taken care of).
It was indeed a golden opportunity to lock out and then sell it lock, stock and barrel.
Mallya would have loved to buy it and bury it with his Kingfisher.
Pls continue the strike for ever so that "it"can die a natural death & all Indians relieved of their misery & pvt airlines can flourish..Stupid Congress govt not privatising it
RE:Do not stop the strike!!
by sumit Pal on Jun 14, 2007 05:09 PM Permalink
this is the only tip of the ice burg.. because all Govt ( respected) employees ( nOT SERVANT) HHAVE THE BIRTHE RIGHT TO GO FOR STRIKE AND HOLD THE COMMON MAN AT STAKE.
RE:Do not stop the strike!!
by vinay kumar on Jun 14, 2007 07:10 PM Permalink
What crap r u ppl talking..do u have the slightest idea what kindaa impact will it have on the employees..u ppl r ruthless and totally unthoughtful..!
RE:Do not stop the strike!!
by chanakya maurya on Jun 15, 2007 05:01 PM Permalink
The fact is, and this is what Tin Tin told the media, that if Praful carried out his threat of the lock-out, the speaker of the house, that fatso leftoo with an empty brain, would lock out of House, and withdraw support to the UPA. So the ku-devi promptly spoke to Praful on the mobile and threatened to dismiss him if the latter did any mischief like a lock-out.
This is how the janaawars of the panjrapole came out as winners and withdrew the strike.
RE:Do not stop the strike!!
by Nitin Dutt on Jun 14, 2007 04:29 PM Permalink
Yes, the Govt. should have gone for a complete lock down of Indian. That would have been an eye opener to the left dreams. Also urbane population would have got the feeling that finall the Govt. got something between their legs and not back.