Naturally it has to be so! Look at the rate at which 75-80% of the science-student population opting for engineering and that too,IT.Maybe due to peer pressure or becoz IT boasts of a hefty pay-scale.Only the real ones in this field know the hows n whys of this boasting.Now let's accept the fact that not all IT people are HIGHLY-PAYED.No wonder the so-called highly-paid professionals IT people are into fashion too coz everyone has his/her own desire to excel in the field of THIER choice.
"With the fashion and advertisement industry witnessing a boost,...."
this boost is driven by the spending power of the IT guys.. so rest assured, there will be no fashion or any such crap if there is no IT and people work in govt jobs.
btw .. one sad news to all non-IT guys who are eagerly waiting for that day when there is no IT job in India.. "IT'S A MYTH". so, go start thinking about betterment of your own career.
by Ashwani Chandra on Feb 06, 2008 07:28 PM Permalink
Whatever you say but It guys (cybercoolies) remain under control of management people from finance and Marketing or Hr background and do whatever they order you so you are a just a puppet in the hand of management who can throw you anywhere they(management) wants so be that don't apply brain other that your programming logic that's what you cybercoolies are supposed to do.
Nothing great about it; they are smart enough to know their interests. Only IT is no good 'coz it may go bust anyday once the outsourced jobs (read that as 'alms given by other nations to India')stop coming in. But modelling? Well, posing in front of camera by day & posing in front of..... by night; both ways, the money rolls in.
Me a design engineer with Tata Motors India..There are few s/w engineers on contract here for some IT work, from TCS. They turn up at 10 am everyday, spend an hour on emails. After that, work for an hour. And post lunch, read novels. Sometimes, they do a lot of bug fixing..But the basic nature of their job puzzles me..Even they say that they dont have a clear identity. Wonder if its the same in other hotshot comps like igate,iflex, where job's hectic. These ppl say that 70pc of TCS projects are maintainence stuff. I can speak much coz i m not in IT, but really it would be gr8 if someone could come up with the standard career path of a 'Typical IT professional'. :)
RE:Cyber coolies right term for techies???
by Gautam Sinha on Feb 06, 2008 05:18 PM Permalink
Some things are different in IT than in traditional industries. In traditional industries the processes are mature and there are heirarchies and sub heirarchies so it is possible to have a "career" path and belong to some level. In Tech world the org is mostly flat and hence a person is at most 4-5 levels below CEO. So if someone wants to compare identity by using traditional methods then you cant find an answer. Regarding typical career path, we know we mostly dont go above 2 levels so no rush. We try to get more projects. When there is work it is grind. When we feel like earming more we switch or ask for a hike. Sometimes we change the content and become arhitects or project managers but again we rotate. Occassionaly we take leaves. Regarding those ppl who have come on maintenance project, if they have work they will spend nights in office butr now they seem to enjoy
RE:Cyber coolies right term for techies???
by Gautam Sinha on Feb 06, 2008 05:13 PM Permalink
Hello rediff , why was my message reported for abuse even before it got posted?
RE:Cyber coolies right term for techies???
by Gautam Sinha on Feb 06, 2008 05:12 PM Permalink
Standard career path is about making money as neither the HR nor the techies are interested much in career. IT world is mostly flat unlike the mechanical world where heirarchies and sub heirarchies make up a career path. So a techie is at most say 4-5 levels down from a CEO. We (I m a techie) know that most of them cannot make it to director so mostly we just hang around and try to get more projects by selling our skills and retain existing clients. Once we get the urge that we do not want to much coding we move up to design/architecture or project management and repeat the same cycle. Once in a while we get the urge to earn more so we ask for promotion or switch jobs. Occassionaly we take a vacation. On maintenance project the work load is relatively lesser.
RE:Cyber coolies right term for techies???
by dipanjan gupta on Feb 06, 2008 09:08 PM Permalink
70pc of any service industry is in a way no alarms or no surprises.
RE:Cyber coolies right term for techies???
by abhi on Feb 06, 2008 09:29 PM Permalink
sandeep .. But i am sure they do some work .. rather than no mental work in ur tata moters ..all physicial work you guys do ..
RE:soon modelling industry face recession
by Gautam Sinha on Feb 06, 2008 03:38 PM Permalink
Models will feel recession with age but not the industry as advertising remains and will remain a big demand.
Rediff walon --Kaam Daam nahi he kya tum logon ko.Hazarron bhuuke aur nage he is desh mein.Karodon ko aur takleefein he. Un par bhi roshni dalo yaaroon
RE:Kaam Daam nahi he kya tum logon ko
by Rajesh Bist on Feb 06, 2008 04:16 PM Permalink
i also agree that point yaar.there looking only nangon not other poor sector.