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Cyber coolies right term for techies???
by sandeep kumar on Feb 06, 2008 04:42 PM

Me a design engineer with Tata Motors India..There are few s/w engineers on contract here for some IT work, from TCS. They turn up at 10 am everyday, spend an hour on emails. After that, work for an hour. And post lunch, read novels. Sometimes, they do a lot of bug fixing..But the basic nature of their job puzzles me..Even they say that they dont have a clear identity. Wonder if its the same in other hotshot comps like igate,iflex, where job's hectic. These ppl say that 70pc of TCS projects are maintainence stuff. I can speak much coz i m not in IT, but really it would be gr8 if someone could come up with the standard career path of a 'Typical IT professional'. :)

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