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Workholics are the subjects of Karma principle
by Rao Gopal on Jul 07, 2007 05:31 PM  Permalink 

Afterall, workholics are doing what they are expected. They, unknowingly, believe in the principle of karma. They just work without any expectations. But at the time of appraisal, they stand out of crowd and make a mark in the company. All the successful leaders are, at one time, are workholics. so fact of the matter is - leave this bull shit and go to work. Rest is taken care by Lord Krishna.

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Workaholics do not know time management
by blissful mind on Jul 07, 2007 01:49 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Workaholics are good for nothing. All they do is waste time by pretending to be involved in some fruitful activity. Any one who cannot leave work place after the stipulated time is a poor time-manager. They cannot devote enought time and energy for their family and friends leading to an unhealthy lifestyle, broken relationships and hurt. While the west is turning oriental for wisdom on time management, we Indians are following them foolishly on this front also. Time management means mind management. One who cannot manage one's time is out of mind.

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RE:Workaholics do not know time management
by Vikas Kr. Sinha on Jul 10, 2007 10:12 PM  Permalink
Sorry to say Mr. Blissful Mind but i am not convinced with your comments. This is absolutely false that workaholics are poor time manager. In fact you should say that whatever they do, they do with full efforts, let it be office work or personal relations. If they are after it, they will achieve it & this is the things which make a difference. They got a zeal to achieve. This zeal is everything in life. They are those person who achieve success before the schedule & thay remain happy with it. Apart, being busy is a way to be a far from time & money wasting activities.

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RE:Workaholics do not know time management
by Ravesankar K on Jul 08, 2007 10:46 PM  Permalink
Yes, you are right.

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They are Charmers for bosses
by on Jul 05, 2007 04:14 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Workalcoholics are bosse's charm but majority of them are those who just want to stole limelight just by finishing the work in double time and proving that by their late sitting the work got finished

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RE:RE:They are Charmers for bosses
by on Jul 05, 2007 04:11 PM  Permalink
yes right you are

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RE:They are Charmers for bosses
by Rajalakshmi on Jul 08, 2007 10:43 PM  Permalink
very true. Esepcailly in India they look at what tiem u r within office premises at u r desk and not what u r doing or the results u achieve. Ppl. pretend to be workacholics to impress bosses by staying and stretching beyond usul hrs. But there r real worka holics who burden themselves wid too much work without having tiem for self and theie family and creat misery to ppl. around them and soemtimes spoil their health by irregular meals, smoking long hrs to remain active and in later yrs end up in soem hospital as patients only to relise that compan y can grant promotion/soem money but not GOOD HEALTH...Foolish People ...Widout realising Too much of anything is Good for nothing. If u r one of them reading this Please Change yourself!!

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RE:RE:They are Charmers for bosses
by Vikas Kr. Sinha on Jul 10, 2007 10:08 PM  Permalink
you should note that those who finish there work in less time will get promotion before the schedule. It will again take less time. :-)

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Workaholic colleague is bane
by Veerendra kumar on Jul 05, 2007 04:04 PM  Permalink 

In my view these are the people who wants always to show the world that they are doing something (which is good for nothing). I only can suggest them to Fall in love with the work and with the company or their Boss to get good compensation.

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by on Jul 05, 2007 03:58 PM  Permalink 

Incompetence: When you earnestly believe in making up for lack of skill by doubling your effort

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by bun maska on Jul 05, 2007 03:53 PM  Permalink 

Workaholics are a boon to the company that they work for and a bane for their wives and their children. At the end of 10-15-25 years, they will repent for not having spent enough time with their families.

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more by them!
by Bijoy K on Jul 05, 2007 03:31 PM  Permalink 

I've had a workaholic colleague and it does have its positive and negative points. The positive point is that they'll help you out if things get sticky, but the negative point is that they sometimes make a mountain out of a mole hill. What can be done simply and easily may be done elaborately and in a complicated manner by them. And yes, the boss is impressed more by them. You have to decide whether to join the bandwagon and please the boss, or to strive for work/life balance, which the workaholic doesn't seem to think of!

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Workaholic colleagues: A boon or a bane?
by Dr. Lalendra Upreti on Jul 05, 2007 03:02 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

A workaholic is internally driven and to him a job is not done unless it is done well.He is not at all interested in pleasing his boss or making life hell for anyone. They turn out to be good employees and usually not so good bosses, as they expect subordinates to follow their own work ethics.

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RE:Workaholic colleagues: A boon or a bane?
by NITESH SALIAN on Jul 05, 2007 03:08 PM  Permalink
i agree with u.

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I hate such people who show that they are Workaholic
by Vikramsinh Jagatsinh Jadeja on Jul 05, 2007 02:51 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

i believe in inovation/creativity but not like Workaholic colleague .i have seen most of the time workaholic colleague just passed the time by just sitting and doing something (but not work) in front of computer and spending time more then 11-12 hours instead of 8 hours to just show the boss that he/she is workaholic. i don't like that type of stupid people. but this is works.boss never see your are creative but they see how much time u stay in the office.this is what i have observe.

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RE:I hate such people who show that they are Workaholic
by srinivas rao on Jul 05, 2007 04:26 PM  Permalink
Same with me.. My boss is a workaholic... he expects us to be too.. Which is good too.. i believe being good at your job is essential for happiness...but as for colleagues.. beware guys... there are many people who wil snatch your work just to show the boss.... they just dont stop in their effort to impress the boss.. i had some bad experience and my friends too... the advisor of my friend thinks that he does not do anything just because his workaholic colleague is always on the front... do not allow too much interference...

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RE:I hate such people who show that they are Workaholic
by natraj tanjore on Jul 05, 2007 03:16 PM  Permalink
You are right vikramsinh,
Most of the guys are busy chatting on the messengers / writing emails or posting or defending or attacking the articles in rediff.com

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Workaholic colleagues, a mixed blessing!
by Gautaman T on Jul 05, 2007 02:27 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I've had a workaholic colleague and it does have its positive and negative points. The positive point is that they'll help you out if things get sticky, but the negative point is that they sometimes make a mountain out of a mole hill. What can be done simply and easily may be done elaborately and in a complicated manner by them. And yes, the boss is impressed more by them. You have to decide whether to join the bandwagon and please the boss, or to strive for work/life balance, which the workaholic doesn't seem to think of!

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RE:Workaholic colleagues, a mixed blessing!
by Sandeep Karmarkar on Jul 05, 2007 03:28 PM  Permalink
The workaholic is not neccessarily efficient person.An efficient person will never be workaholic.

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RE:Workaholic colleagues, a mixed blessing!
by Ravi on Jul 05, 2007 02:33 PM  Permalink
I tend to disagree. 'Pleasing the Boss' is not a part of a Workaholic ethic. You got your marbles wrong.

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