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RE:They are Charmers for bosses
by Rajalakshmi on Jul 08, 2007 10:43 PM

very true. Esepcailly in India they look at what tiem u r within office premises at u r desk and not what u r doing or the results u achieve. Ppl. pretend to be workacholics to impress bosses by staying and stretching beyond usul hrs. But there r real worka holics who burden themselves wid too much work without having tiem for self and theie family and creat misery to ppl. around them and soemtimes spoil their health by irregular meals, smoking long hrs to remain active and in later yrs end up in soem hospital as patients only to relise that compan y can grant promotion/soem money but not GOOD HEALTH...Foolish People ...Widout realising Too much of anything is Good for nothing. If u r one of them reading this Please Change yourself!!

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Workaholics: A boon or a bane?