My nephew ran away after a mere one and half years in this country, to a more hospitable place. Over the last three years he has been regularly hunting for better pasteurs and has already saved over 300K. No wonder, Hospitality Industry in this country is one of the most inhospitable industries for some of those who work there.
The Insurance Industry is equally DEPLORABLE in India. Doesn't make sense to develop and expand one's skill sets if India is going to treat it's youngsters like this.
When people FLY AWAY, we complain about 'brain drain'. The ones who've flown (like me) smile and say 'It's their loss, not mine'.
By the way, most MBAs don't even know where their *** is!!
Yes, Rashmi has summed up the things precisely in her article. I have myself worked or about 5 years and have taken salary not more than 3000 a month after slogging 12 hours to 14 hours a day. Thankfully I have changed my career and today I am working in IT arena and making money in a month what I used make in a year earlier.Of course IT has its own sorrows but rewards are far better.
Ms Rashmi has written a very good article. I am a hotelier working with a repute hotel as HOD and Would like to add certain points. 1. All that glitters is not gold- Yes it is a old proverb. Ms Rashmi has mentioned that an MBA person gets a salary of 12K-15K as an stipend i Beg to differ from that. There are lot of MBA guys who are not even getting 4/5 k salary after passing out of college. 2. The students who have done 3 years degree/diploma from National Council/college of good repute has started their career with 10-12k intially and got up the ladder in 3-4 years with 25-30 k. The industry as reflected is not that bad. It all matter from where have you done your professional course and to the great extent the profile of the candidate.
RE:5-star careers, 1-star salaries
by Gauri on Jul 27, 2006 06:12 PM Permalink
Hi, I would definatly like to know the names of these hotels who pay 12-15K for students who have graduated from reputed colleges!
degree n diplomas r of no use in hotel industry
by john on Jul 26, 2006 11:34 AM Permalink | Hide replies
its a nice article but y do u need degreesn diplomas to remove solied plates n cook food so u have to plan very well b4 chooseing this industry if ur ready to clean toilets n change used linen n remove garbage from kitchen and slogfor 12 to 14 hours shift for a period of min 10 yrs then think of making ur carrer in hospitality industry .
Rashmi, You do have a very good point with your article...but this price imparity is not only with this profession. You will find it in any profession you take. Take an example of an engineering graduate joined as an apprentice and he/she is being paid nearly the same.. I personnaly belive that it is patience combined with determination and strong belief in oneself that one will surely achieve success.
hi all , after a long time , heartening to read a nice article approaching the crux of the issue affecting india . the disparity of wages . lets face it indian company owners"baniyas" are heartless, cruel people who dont mind lavishing on weddings ans jewellery and villas abroad while squeezinf every possible penny out of the labourer wages . unlike with the goras and japanese who pay a decent amount to workers before indulging themselves . but the rot lies at the core , it is the lack of respect given to manual and skilled labour and the blind and barbaric admiration of pen pushers and office workers among the poulace that is leading to this . here in europe a labourer couldnt care less about being an executive. he is happy with this life . the most fundamental issue affecting us is the lack of infrastruture , public services , amenities, enviroenmental maintencance , drainage .etc which is why poor men cant lead a decent life unlike in plavces like thailand where even 10000rs a month will net you a decent content life .
I am glad that rediff has provided the true picture abt the hotel industry. My brother who works in one of best 5 star hotel chains is paid peanuts in comparison to the work he puts in. And the worst part is the management ensures that my brother and others who are taken as trainees and moved from traineeship of one designation to traineeship of higher designation! There are days when he has worked for two shifts at a strech and gone for days without a holiday. Given the margins in this industry, I wonder what keeps the hotel chains from giving their staff better salaries. I wonder if the situation abroad is similar.
hey friend, go for nursing. It is hot in america. Poeple start with 60000 dollars annum and lot of higher studies oppertunities and social recognition also. In whetevr articles i read none of the guys mention about nursing. I wonder why?