hi all , after a long time , heartening to read a nice article approaching the crux of the issue affecting india . the disparity of wages . lets face it indian company owners"baniyas" are heartless, cruel people who dont mind lavishing on weddings ans jewellery and villas abroad while squeezinf every possible penny out of the labourer wages . unlike with the goras and japanese who pay a decent amount to workers before indulging themselves . but the rot lies at the core , it is the lack of respect given to manual and skilled labour and the blind and barbaric admiration of pen pushers and office workers among the poulace that is leading to this . here in europe a labourer couldnt care less about being an executive. he is happy with this life . the most fundamental issue affecting us is the lack of infrastruture , public services , amenities, enviroenmental maintencance , drainage .etc which is why poor men cant lead a decent life unlike in plavces like thailand where even 10000rs a month will net you a decent content life .