all articles written by rashmi proove that she is expert in these fields & worth sharing with others. gr8 work by you rashmi... i wish i could have read it before my BE & Diploma. keep it up. yogesh
hi,rashmi,i hv completed my dentistry & i hv a keen desire 2 do mba.ihv 2.5 years exp.too.buti am confused & affraid should i go 4 coaching for getting full time mba or take part time or distance.can i get good pay job after pt or plz reply.
Hi. I am Prof Iyer from Mumbai I teach CAT MBA entrance and I also teach PT and executive MBA for the past 8 yrs. I also assist and tutor working professionals privately in a group to clear CAT and other MAT exams Please feel free to call me for any help at 9323040686 { Mumbai }.Thanking you. Sincerely Best wishes. Prof Iyer
I believe that market sells on the Brand name in the short term and that is what we as a society are passing on to our next generation "Short term".This Short term attitude then moves further and enslaves the person whole life.He only looks for the short term. We should be talking to our next generation in terms of improving the overall levels of individual rather than just a short term instinct at some exam.I guess when that overall levels have reached a point then succes is marked for the individuals anyways.
Dear Rashmi Mam, It's a nice and very inspiring article,Thanx for that. After few months I will be entering in my struggling life ,in such stage I'm really confused between CA and MBA ,I need your suggetion. I request ,that you send an article on this topic,so that I and those who have such problem could come across. Thanx
Think u hit the nail on its head. Need a lot of career counseling for students b4 they venture into these things... Its particularly needed for people who make it into the IIMs, mainly b'cz they were tested only on their IQs and not on the other intelligences (as u had mentioned)... But for people like me (who were on the losing side for the 2nd time) I still don't rue over the time spent. The coaching definitely improved my reading skills atleast...I also formed a huge group of friends all having the same chemistry of CAT mania.. So has its pros and cons I guess
Dear Ms. Bansal, You do have a few valid points in your article. However, after having patiently waded through your often ungramatical effort, I wondered briefly if you yourself have learned anything form the points you put forth. For eg : Given even the lack of proper grammar in your article, I wonder why do you or what makes you think you can be a writer? Your basic disregard for even checking what you write shines through. I visited the website of "Jammag", of which you are a founder - editor, and just seeing the abundance "U" for "you" and "ur" for "your", made me cringe. It is the so called intellectually elite such as yourself, who perpetuate the numbness, of communication and language and then sit back and point fingers. First correct yourself and then march the righteous march.
Talking of communication skills & grammar, one doesn't give examinations, right? (exam diya?) I've heard of people taking papers and writing exams, but giving? :) You would have lost points in the popular game with the same acronyms as your mag. But nice column overall, Rashmi, your experiences mirror those that a number of us go through, I guess.