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Jogindar Sharma -- Lucky
by Seth Bhagwandas on Sep 27, 2007 02:36 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I dont know ,if u can call him good baller . he was just lucky to be there . he didnt ball single good ball which would have taken batsman out for sure. He was too slow and really very wide from the off stum. It was Dhoni who made him effective used him only when wickets went down. I am really happy for u Jogindar , if u dont improve in quick time u shall fade away. Either ball some good leangth ball , yourkers , and bring some pace in u r balling. or u shall remain with u r price money u have .

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RE:Jogindar Sharma -- Lucky
by sb on Sep 27, 2007 02:47 PM  Permalink
could not agree more. Joginder will fade away if he does not improve.

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RE:Jogindar Sharma -- Lucky
by Kabeer on Sep 27, 2007 02:56 PM  Permalink
Ravi Shastri being a bowler himself was always pained when it was always commented in the box that the batsman played a bad shot and got out. He says, very correctly, that "No! It is only half the truth-the other half truth is that the bowler made the batsman commit that mistake. It is only good bowlers make batsman commit silly looking mistakes and get wickets." Yes it is the good bowlers make batsman commit mistakes which appear silly on the screen.

I don't know if you correctly noticed, Joginder -nearly bowled 7-9 balls purposefully away from the batsman to deny them good scoring shots and wasn't called "Wide" by the umpire (First ball of the last over is an exception, of course!)

Secondly, it was the slowness of the ball that got him the wicket and your nation the cup. Had he bowled as fast as Bret Lee the ball would have vanished into the stands for a six instead of landing in Sreesanth's hands.

All the highest wicket takers in the cricketing world are military medium pace bowlers like Kapil Dev! Even those like Richard Hadlee, Botham, and Dennis Lillee got most of their wickets in the later part of their careers when got significantly slowed down; they got all those wickets through guile and deception which only a trained cricketing mind can see.

Hence, your observations are not too correct.
Of course, I am not saying that Joginder is a great bowler on the face of earth.

As Poirot says "There is a method in this madness" likewise, there is a technique

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RE:Jogindar Sharma -- Lucky
by Balaji on Sep 27, 2007 02:51 PM  Permalink
Balle Balle

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RE:Jogindar Sharma -- Lucky
by Shabeer on Sep 27, 2007 03:29 PM  Permalink
Jogindar looked very very ordinary to be playing in any team. It was extremely lucky for him to come away without being spanked. In his defence how can some get lucky twice (semi & finals)??? My guess is that he will soon become the whipping boy for batsmen around the world unless he can find some variety and pace.

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RE:Jogindar Sharma -- Lucky
by saurabh shukla on Sep 27, 2007 02:46 PM  Permalink
looking by what he earn in now, close to 90lakhs, gud enough to him, even he fade away.

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by Anirudha on Sep 27, 2007 02:35 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

People like Niranjan Shah needed to be thrown out of such positions.

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by Ayazuddin Khan on Sep 27, 2007 02:48 PM  Permalink
And all others too who have not played a sinngle test match but now are big guns in controlling cricket in india

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Cricket and Politics
by Pradeep Satapathy on Sep 27, 2007 02:33 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Sharad Pawar wanted to meet Sonia gandhi with the indian cricketers. but dhoni refused......... How shame.....

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RE:Cricket and Politics
by Deepak on Sep 27, 2007 02:34 PM  Permalink
dravid refused ... not dhoni.

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RE:Cricket and Politics
by Ravi Kumar on Sep 27, 2007 02:38 PM  Permalink
have you not seen our so called karta dharta of indian cricket sitting ahead of the our national heroes in the wankhede stadium , inko thora bahut bhi sharam nahi baki hai, lekin dhoni in besharam ko achhi tarah pehchanta hai bhai....

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RE:Cricket and Politics
by venkat on Sep 27, 2007 02:45 PM  Permalink

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RE:Cricket and Politics
by Ayazuddin Khan on Sep 27, 2007 02:49 PM  Permalink

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did tenulkar, dravid and saurav attended celebrations in mumbai stadium
by muneer abidi on Sep 27, 2007 02:31 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

one of my friend is telling they did not come.

plz tell me if anyone knows.

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RE:did tenulkar, dravid and saurav attended celebrations in mumbai stadium
by Deepak on Sep 27, 2007 02:32 PM  Permalink
come there in the rain ? What do you think, BCCI manufactures umbrellas to give them freely ? Not a chance.

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RE:did tenulkar, dravid and saurav attended celebrations in mumbai stadium
by Pradeep Satapathy on Sep 27, 2007 02:34 PM  Permalink
This is the fact that BCCI ignores the seniors. Now they are telling that the funtion was organised at the last moment, so it was not possible for our part to invite them. If the seniors came then they never sat on back of politician. so they intentionally ignore.

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by YHWH on Sep 27, 2007 02:28 PM  Permalink 

what!!...i didnt get you, sorry.

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by girish palaskar on Sep 27, 2007 02:27 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Joginder Bhai,
Congratulations and keep it up. i wish u all the best for your future career and hope same moments u will give to INDIANS.

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by Nilesh Kulkarni on Sep 27, 2007 02:27 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

thank god the human baggage sachin tendulkar was not part of the t20 team. otherwise no way could we have won.

it wouldnt have been a team effort. it would have been his personal outing affair. scoring at strike rates of 65-70% in t20 matches.

obviously he would have scored more than hayden but india wouldnt have crossed the semi-final.

the absence of him and his selfishness proved to be lucky for india.

if he had a bit of self esteem left, he should have announced his retirement immediately after the t20 team's victory.

this team effort funda wont last long. he would've joined the team in bangalore for aus series and its back to his hunt for personal glory

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by Ritu on Sep 27, 2007 02:35 PM  Permalink
people like you r shame for this nation.

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by egrl on Sep 27, 2007 02:38 PM  Permalink
I dnt think no other Indian players might have more no. of. man of the matches & man of the series awards than S.10dulkar. by scolding the Indian Trio, our cricket fans again & again proves that they are absolutely sensational idiots.
remember man of match / man of series is mostly given to 1 who lead his team to victory....

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by Venkatkrishna Rangaprasad on Sep 27, 2007 02:31 PM  Permalink
Mind your tongue Nilesh. Without him, India would not have gone far in 96 & 03 WC.

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by Bhuwaneshwar on Sep 27, 2007 02:38 PM  Permalink
Mind your tongue. Chamacha of Sachin. If sachine was there definately we were not going to won the match.

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by SSR on Sep 27, 2007 02:56 PM  Permalink
Forget the past face the future. Our Indians are concerned only about Winners Ofcourse if they lose it will be vice versa. So be calm enjoy the fruit don't count the seeds in it.

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by Amrit Patil on Sep 27, 2007 02:46 PM  Permalink
Are Kulkarni na tu? Kashala dusarya Marathi mansache paay oodhtos? ( Stop this habit of pulling legs) Tendulkar is pride of Maharashtra as well as India...He is equally popular in overseas also so appreciate him don%u2019t discourage him.

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by door drishti on Sep 27, 2007 02:38 PM  Permalink
right u r ...thank god ..his friend agarkar was also thrown out in initial phase ...but anyway he got 10lacs to sit out ...poor tendulakar ...missed that
i think all 3 biggies shd also be given 1 cr each to sit out

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by Deepak on Sep 27, 2007 02:39 PM  Permalink
they may expect 1 cr per match to sit out.

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by mani nookala on Sep 27, 2007 02:44 PM  Permalink
Mr.Door drishti it is clear that you dont knw anything about cricket so stop posting messages about the senior cricketers, without them the juniors would have never played the way they..
you dnt right of 0.00000001% also to talk against sachin,rahul or sourav.so just shut up..

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by Manoj Mehta on Sep 27, 2007 02:45 PM  Permalink

Thanks for being such a comic story writer. Can you recollect in how many matches Sachin was named MOM & Man of the series? Don't tell me now that all are fools to give awards to Sachin.

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by Pradeep Satapathy on Sep 27, 2007 02:38 PM  Permalink
U r right, but u know who gave the scope to juniors. Seniors r intentinally refused to play in 20:20 to give a chance to junior

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by Imran on Sep 27, 2007 02:36 PM  Permalink
Well said man. Its high time these old players retire they are pain in the ass to watch now.
Don%u2019t know what they want to prove still they are just playing for money and records.

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by Deepak on Sep 27, 2007 02:38 PM  Permalink
yes, their absence told that a lot.

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by Selvaraj Sundaravadivelan on Sep 27, 2007 02:48 PM  Permalink
Mr.Nilesh Kulkarni,
I think, you need to excercise a balanced state of mind when you write on open forums. I could understand you are trying to vent your anger and outrage against a man who has scored over 30000 runs in both forms of game. India would not have advanced to the semi finals in the '96 and '03 world cup without him. The three big boys of Indian cricket opted out of the T20 world cup, because, 1) They needed ample rest before the forthcoming 7 ODI series against australia; 2) The board had never favoured T20 format of the game and wanted to provide chance and test a few young talents. Like you wished, we could expect Sachin to announce his retirement sooner or later. I would have appreciated had you taken on the likes of Agarkar. Your comments are pre-mature and defies logic and facts.

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by Madhavi on Sep 27, 2007 03:16 PM  Permalink
Like some of you rightly said, its no joke getting picked as the best when 22 players vie for the same position, how many times have we seen Sachin receiving the man of the match award. How can you forget the contribution of someone who has dedicated some very valuable years of his life to the game? If Sachin were really selfish, would he continue to play at the expense of his health? He would've retired long ago after all those nagging injuries and setbacks. When someone plays in the international arena, what motivates him the most is the feeling that he would be remembered for his contribution towards the sport and his country. But some of our fellow countrymen are denying these great players their fair share of credit by branding them as useless and selfish. Amazing why all you critics kept quiet all these years when these people were creating all the records. Come on guys!! Encourage youngsters but at the same time, don't undermine the contribution and dedication of our senior players.

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by Madhavi on Sep 27, 2007 03:16 PM  Permalink
Like some of you rightly said, its no joke getting picked as the best when 22 players vie for the same position, how many times have we seen Sachin receiving the man of the match award. How can you forget the contribution of someone who has dedicated some very valuable years of his life to the game? If Sachin were really selfish, would he continue to play at the expense of his health? He would've retired long ago after all those nagging injuries and setbacks. When someone plays in the international arena, what motivates him the most is the feeling that he would be remembered for his contribution towards the sport and his country. But some of our fellow countrymen are denying these great players their fair share of credit by branding them as useless and selfish. Amazing why all you critics kept quiet all these years when these people were creating all the records. Come on guys!! Encourage youngsters but at the same time, don't undermine the contribution and dedication of our senior players.

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Sharmaji:- do something for Haryana with this Rs 21 lacs money
by Harjinder Singh on Sep 27, 2007 02:27 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Haryana Govt has announced tax payer's Rs 21 lacs prize money for Joginder Sharma.I think he must use this money for some social cause in his state as this money has come from pockets of tax payers. He is already rich from tournament prize money plus money from BCCI and Haryana cricket board plus he is made DSP.

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RE:Sharmaji:- do something for Haryana with this Rs 21 lacs money
by Prakash on Sep 27, 2007 02:35 PM  Permalink
wht is 'he is made DSP'....

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RE:Sharmaji:- do something for Haryana with this Rs 21 lacs money
by Deepak on Sep 27, 2007 02:36 PM  Permalink
Director's Special ? Indian or foreign manufactured ? :)

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RE:Sharmaji:- do something for Haryana with this Rs 21 lacs money
by Deepak on Sep 27, 2007 02:31 PM  Permalink
that's all he is going to get for a looooonng time. He may not agree with you totally. :)

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by kanthi kiran on Sep 27, 2007 02:25 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Is it a big issue to discuss

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by YHWH on Sep 27, 2007 02:30 PM  Permalink
how dare you...for next one year, everything that these ppl do (including fart*ng) will be reported. readers are expected to cooperate.

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by Deepak on Sep 27, 2007 02:37 PM  Permalink
and media will be there to tell what they ate for lunch and dinner, depending on the smell.

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by Deepak on Sep 27, 2007 02:32 PM  Permalink
seriously yes !

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by kishore chandrakar on Sep 27, 2007 02:59 PM  Permalink
no yaar

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