Mr.Nilesh Kulkarni, I think, you need to excercise a balanced state of mind when you write on open forums. I could understand you are trying to vent your anger and outrage against a man who has scored over 30000 runs in both forms of game. India would not have advanced to the semi finals in the '96 and '03 world cup without him. The three big boys of Indian cricket opted out of the T20 world cup, because, 1) They needed ample rest before the forthcoming 7 ODI series against australia; 2) The board had never favoured T20 format of the game and wanted to provide chance and test a few young talents. Like you wished, we could expect Sachin to announce his retirement sooner or later. I would have appreciated had you taken on the likes of Agarkar. Your comments are pre-mature and defies logic and facts. Sundar.