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Why this craze?
by monicka manikandan on Sep 26, 2007 02:23 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Why we are so much grossed by the mob mentality?

What ever the chanel you watch everywhere they show the celebrations at mumbai. It is as if nothing happens in other parts of the country. India can become superpower only when we come out of this mob mindset and mind our business.

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RE:Why this craze?
by Ambrish Sampat on Sep 26, 2007 02:35 PM  Permalink
what mob mindset. It is supposed to be a reason to celebrate. Sport unites a nation

England Celebrations after winning Rugby World Cup in 2003 - http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/41290000/jpg/_41290555_woody_get_203.jpg

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RE:Why this craze?
by nallan srivatsan on Sep 26, 2007 03:04 PM  Permalink
Yes iagree.we indian tend to do any thing abnormal.Why there was no celebration when our hockey team not only win the asian trophy but also remined undefeated ? If they fail as in WC, we crucify them immediately. While Iam not against celebration,what is needed is moderation & not jamming the trafic & inconveniencing the public.It is shere madness.

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RE:Why this craze?
by debmalya mitra on Sep 26, 2007 02:35 PM  Permalink
then instead of writing comments here y aren't u doing what ur preaching?

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RE:RE:Why this craze?
by Sharmila on Sep 26, 2007 02:45 PM  Permalink
hahahahahah ... very well said Debmalya Mitra.

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RE:Why this craze?
by Anonymous on Sep 26, 2007 02:30 PM  Permalink
They don't have any other valuable news to show.
Today media is more interested in running their Channel rather in contributing to nation development.

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by N Venugopal on Sep 26, 2007 02:22 PM  Permalink 

These celibiration were arranged very claverly by BCCI. The loosers are those who joined its competitor(ICL).

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Regarding Heros are home coming
by swetaketu panda on Sep 26, 2007 02:20 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Why this type of behaviour are to only cricket players no to Asia cup winner hockey team , Baichung bhutia for Jawaharlalcup and not to Sania Mirza.


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RE:Regarding Heros are home coming
by prashanth n on Sep 26, 2007 02:26 PM  Permalink
If we can win hockey world cup... or win Olympic gold... they will get the same treatment... You need to understand there will such occassion only for team games and not individual games like tennis.

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RE:Regarding Heros are home coming
by Gurdevinder Arora on Sep 26, 2007 02:32 PM  Permalink
I dont think so. What happened to our football team and hockey team. Why no celebration was made. Even footbal match was shown live by our sports channel.

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RE:Regarding Heros are home coming
by Sameer Pavithran on Sep 26, 2007 02:37 PM  Permalink
Arrey Baba Gurdevinder...dont' u understand what Prashant said....they have to win world cup or Olympic gold....then there definetely will be celebrations like this..watch out.

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RE:RE:Regarding Heros are home coming
by juan on Sep 26, 2007 02:37 PM  Permalink
bcoz they won world cup . Football or hockey didnot win us world cup now

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RE:Regarding Heros are home coming
by Rajeev tyagi on Sep 26, 2007 02:34 PM  Permalink
Cricket is the only game on planet Earth which has multiple WORLD CUP. It is only for the sake of money by the organisers. People like you will never like to understand the reality and always be a part of mob frenzy. GROW UP INDIA.

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RE:RE:Regarding Heros are home coming
by juan on Sep 26, 2007 02:38 PM  Permalink
u grow up some mind cells , it is since enjoyed by many so they love to hav multiple cups if mobs r not interested there would not been multiple cups . u first grow up from ur pessimisstic thoughts

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Making them Hero's
by Anand Sampath on Sep 26, 2007 02:18 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Agreed, winning the cup was every one's dream but so much of pampering.BCCI needs to work out a Performance Linked Bonus.They should have seen thier performance in couple of TT matches and grade the players accordingly and pamper them based on performance. Virender Sewhag did not do much(in my view nothing at all) and yet he gets 30 odd lakhs.Noteworthy performances were Robin Uttappa, Dhoni-cool captaincy,Yuvaraj Singh- for excellent all round performance-(even here is batting against Pakistan was a disappointment) and to some extent Sreesanth( for his excellent bowling against Austrailia are worth mentioning. What I want to mention is that have a small prize for each of the team members and a performance linked bonus/incentive for players with excellent performance or contribution to the team performance.

Anyway Congratulations- Team TT. Well Done!

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RE:Making them Hero's
by Roshan on Sep 26, 2007 02:21 PM  Permalink
You have never won the employee of the year award for your company but you still get the diwali bonus and salary.

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Abdul Kalam's wish
by Bird on Sep 26, 2007 02:16 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Abdul Kalam's Wish fullfilled...
India became Super power in 2020

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RE:Abdul Kalam's wish
by Anjan Dattagupta on Sep 26, 2007 02:27 PM  Permalink
You have good sense of humour...keep it up buddy...Good one..

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RE:Abdul Kalam's wish
by Sab Harim on Sep 26, 2007 02:20 PM  Permalink
That is a real goood one, Bird!!


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RE:Abdul Kalam's wish
by kris ch on Sep 26, 2007 02:31 PM  Permalink
HA HA HA That's great

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RE:Abdul Kalam's wish
by Ajesh Pillai on Sep 26, 2007 03:47 PM  Permalink
but he never thought that there is another 20-20 before 2020. lol

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RE:Abdul Kalam's wish
by Ungli on Sep 26, 2007 02:20 PM  Permalink
hey nice1 lol

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this is unnecessary
by ganesh on Sep 26, 2007 02:16 PM  Permalink 

when this team wins, let us congragulate them and provide reward for their efforts. after that we should forget this, because all these years we did make them sit on top of the hill and close their skills. by doing this, they(players) forget to play cricket and start enjoying the benefits and finally they do play a rubbish game. now we realise that we made the mistake and then throw stones at their house and burn their effigies. is it really needed?
so they have got all the rewards for their efforts. let us stop this at this stage and continue our work. after all they have done their duty. thats it. they won it, so they deserve celebration and reward, that is over.

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We stand by our team only at the time of success
by Anjan Dattagupta on Sep 26, 2007 02:10 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This proves that we stand by our team only at the time of success and we burn effigies, throw stones at their house, abuse their family members at the time of failure. We even question their integrity, particularly if he is a Muslim. This is sad but true. Look at Irfan Pathan, he has won the Man of the Match award against Pakistan in the final. Today he is the hero, but tomorrow, if he fails against Pakistan, the fans who are cheering him today would turn against him and throw abuses. This is really sad. We forget that they are also human beings and nobody in the world can win every game, whatever is the sports. Today, at this hour, when I congratulate the team for their excellent performance, I, personally would like to convey one message - Come whatever may, I would be at your side, always - both in good times and bad..like a true friend. This is my commitment.

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RE:We stand by our team only at the time of success
by Jitesh Kumar Agrawal on Sep 26, 2007 02:15 PM  Permalink
True but commitments from playes should be visible on the feild and not in doing maximum number of ads.....when the stardom starts getting into their head and that visible in performances like loosing to B'desh in world cup to get eliminated, its then only that they get the dressing down from public.

In india cricket is a religion and everyone is very passionate about it so public support and love should not be taken for granted.

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RE:We stand by our team only at the time of success
by yogesh kumar on Sep 26, 2007 03:12 PM  Permalink
This is not true buddy..we react so badly after their lost only because they have not given the tough fight in the match.Thier most of the time and concentration was involved in making ads.see the result now when no adv approach them after wc debacle in west indies.

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RE:We stand by our team only at the time of success
by ashish kumar on Sep 26, 2007 02:14 PM  Permalink
you are right that indians can't accept the defeat and behave very badly when team losses but your second comment about blaming muslims for their failures is totally baseless and ridiculous. Indians as a whole have never done that. Don't right such immature and stupid commnets

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RE:We stand by our team only at the time of success
by Anjan Dattagupta on Sep 26, 2007 02:23 PM  Permalink
Dont know if you follow the comments regularly or not...I have followed the comments written by fellow Indians when India lost matches and many of them have been deleted because of abuse. Whatever I have written is from the past experience and not from my own thought. I donot know what is your age but if someone has written something..if you donot agree to that, there is a better way of telling that..if you yourself is mature enough

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RE:We stand by our team only at the time of success
by Sameer Pavithran on Sep 26, 2007 02:41 PM  Permalink
But that is sadly how most INdians have reacted over the years....Look out of the window Ashish.

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trust and faith
by K.L. MALIK on Sep 26, 2007 02:09 PM  Permalink 

with trust and faith we can do wonders. this holds true for every game and each and every activity in the country. let us start trusting people and have faith in the system and ofcouse god and have positive attitude.

we indians are too quick to give comments.

the day we are convinced we are a great nation and can achieve what we want we can do it. every one is indian first and everything else later.

there are problems all over the world much bigger than what we have.

let us now start grooming more crickters and encorage boys playing at regional and national level. we can make evey game a great game and become a nation to be reckoned with.

be proud of our people be true nationalist and contribute your mite in whatever way possible to make success as our focus.

long live india long live democracy

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Waste of time and Money
by Vijey Shanker on Sep 26, 2007 02:08 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I think it is too much of a celebration . That is not required at all . This is a win after 20 years that is good . But why only have cricket as a game . Let indian people encourage olympics . If we win more than 20 Gold medals then we can celebrate like this . Who knows there is a match fixing and India has won. Cricket is a very Bad game . with all scandels hope this game should not be encouraged . But People choice . We are like that . So all take advantage.

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RE:Waste of time and Money
by ashish kumar on Sep 26, 2007 02:10 PM  Permalink
wait for australian team to put them in place

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RE:Waste of time and Money
by manoj sharma on Sep 26, 2007 02:13 PM  Permalink
what kind of a crature u r by the way

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RE:Waste of time and Money
by rajesh kannan on Sep 26, 2007 02:17 PM  Permalink
He is right ,entire event is waste our tax money

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RE:Waste of time and Money
by Meehir Jha on Sep 26, 2007 02:23 PM  Permalink
I think they deserve this big celebration... Bhai hak banta hai...

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RE:Waste of time and Money
by Roshan on Sep 26, 2007 02:17 PM  Permalink
You should learn how to live the moment. Even the guys who have won the Olympic medal have been felicitated, so please get your facts correct. chak De!!!

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