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Making them Hero's
by Anand Sampath on Sep 26, 2007 02:18 PM

Agreed, winning the cup was every one's dream but so much of pampering.BCCI needs to work out a Performance Linked Bonus.They should have seen thier performance in couple of TT matches and grade the players accordingly and pamper them based on performance. Virender Sewhag did not do much(in my view nothing at all) and yet he gets 30 odd lakhs.Noteworthy performances were Robin Uttappa, Dhoni-cool captaincy,Yuvaraj Singh- for excellent all round performance-(even here is batting against Pakistan was a disappointment) and to some extent Sreesanth( for his excellent bowling against Austrailia are worth mentioning. What I want to mention is that have a small prize for each of the team members and a performance linked bonus/incentive for players with excellent performance or contribution to the team performance.

Anyway Congratulations- Team TT. Well Done!

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