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babu's dont waste the public money
by sudhi kumar kumar on Sep 26, 2007 03:22 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

again i congratulate Indian cricket team, But its really ridiculous that all major state governments are wasting the money as if cricket is ultimate thing in India . Babus look at the people who have sacrificed their life for our today ,look at other game too. Specailly to Air Sahara : Atleast try to honour those who are in border areas to safeguard the fellow countrymen.

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RE:babu's dont waste the public money
by unni nair on Sep 26, 2007 03:43 PM  Permalink
Will the senseless Babus stop utilising public money instead take out bundles of their black money and shower on the players?

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whats this?
by Rajash Abraham on Sep 26, 2007 03:21 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

whats wrong with this girls?. these mumbai girls dont have sense at all?. god save India. many other sports persons r struggling and see whats going on here. really feel shame about the word "SPORTS".

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RE:whats this?
by Mukhtar Ali on Sep 26, 2007 03:44 PM  Permalink
All players will get proposals from prostitutes of Bhindi bazar or Grant Road at night.After all spinners like bowling with worn out balls and batchmen prefer a used ball as well.It will be a perfect synnergy

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RE:whats this?
by OldKid on Sep 26, 2007 03:24 PM  Permalink
Struggling for marriage proposals ?? ..;)))) By the way, why are so jealous.. Relax man. They are just dumbo girls greedy with money

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RE:RE:whats this?
by Rajash Abraham on Sep 26, 2007 03:42 PM  Permalink
hello kid. i am not struggling for any marriage proposals as i am married already. i couldn't understand the much hyped proposals becuase i haven't seen this even though India won a foot ball championship and even hockey team won a championship too

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political dogs
by sanjay on Sep 26, 2007 03:21 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

r r patil wat a dog he was addresing entire nation in marathi and saying about great maratha.he said its maharastras victory over pakistan. he credited sharad pawar for victory. and all bcci dogs and political dogs were seated in front of players

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RE:political dogs
by on Sep 26, 2007 03:29 PM  Permalink
i wonder what speeches would have come if bal thackeray was the chief guest...
bcci squeezes fresh young players n talent with its inhuman tour schedules and throws them away when they are no good and takes in new....
it's the worst board in the world.. no one plays so much cricket in the world..even with a bigger bench strength...

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Kim Sharma
by OldKid on Sep 26, 2007 03:20 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I think Kim Sharma also must be among the crowd holding the Marriage proposal placard to Yuvaraj Singh..;))

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RE:Kim Sharma
by saif ahmad on Sep 26, 2007 04:06 PM  Permalink
thats a good one:)

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mindless money??
by on Sep 26, 2007 03:19 PM  Permalink 

our hockey and football players also won the asia n nehru cup recently i think.... does anyone know them or did they get any reward?
BCCI could have been more reasonable with the rewards.. but it just wants to show it's might n outdo the ICL ...
australia doesn't win half as much even though it wins the regular world cup... come on bcci.. give awards.. n use the cash for better things... players earn well enough thru endorsements already

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Hail India!
by shreen on Sep 26, 2007 03:19 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Fellow country men & women!! We are a gr8 nation, cos we have won 20-20 cricket world cup!! Leave all those unnecessary, unwanted stories of backwardness,poverty,corruption,dirty politics,lack of civil sense,Forget the traffic vows, leave alone the crumping infrastructure,small stretches of roads amidst the potholes, much akin to the surface of the moon, ignore all the lawlessness seen around..in short, just close your eyes to everything else and just celebrate this magnificient, historical victory in the entire history of human life ever since mankind came into existance! Each one of you please contribute your might to these victorious cricketers and their employers - the Board members of BCCI without whom we would not have reached this pinnacle of glory, this super human achievement unparalleled. Not the Kargil war, not even the Indian Freedom struggle which ended on 15th Aug'47 would compared anywhere near this.. Contribute all your might.. give away all your earthly possessions - money,property, even your life to these cricketers who have brought so much glory to a nation. Now INDIA is the ONLY advanced, most powerful, well developed nation in the entire Universe!No US, No Europe, no other country can beat us any more!WE ARE NO-1. Just Celebrate and gloat in this glory..(till we get beaten up black n blue by the OZ shortly that is!) Jai Hind!

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RE:Hail India!
by OldKid on Sep 26, 2007 03:32 PM  Permalink
What a great write-up !! It's the height of sarcasm.. Good.. Keep it up. These words deserve to go PM

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Hope Dhoni's house is not attacked in one month
by raju on Sep 26, 2007 03:19 PM  Permalink 

Wish him all the best!!!!

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by Pramod S on Sep 26, 2007 03:19 PM  Permalink 

We in India think Cricket Match with Pakistan as a War and Cricket Players who have won the match as War Heroes. We should first be greatful to all the soldiers who are even today battling with our enemy Pakistan. Even though i am an avid Cricket fan it is too much.

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RE:Muslims are not Happy over India Win.
by Tanveer Patel on Sep 26, 2007 03:22 PM  Permalink
see this is not fair , u can not blame all the muzlim for that incident. i m also a muzlim i was crying with joy when india won the match.
i request you to please dont criticize all muslims.

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Stupid people
by vishal jagtap on Sep 26, 2007 03:05 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

All Indians are cricket crazy. Stop the stupidity you freaks. It would be nice to shower this much money on army and the pilots who loose their lives almost everyday....Stop this non-sense.

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RE:Stupid people
by Sincere Citizen on Sep 26, 2007 03:10 PM  Permalink
I agree, cricket is good but people protecting us and the borders are more important.

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RE:Stupid people
by GEPL on Sep 26, 2007 03:26 PM  Permalink
why should a pilot or a soldier loose their life. we have acheived independence as early as 1947 and there was no need of war while we got independence purely on ahimsa. this type of war is created by the politicians and they should compensate for the same. border should be protected but by and large nobody wants to invade india today but politicians & the most called secular parties on either side with hand in glove with the smugglers, terrorist are taking the country for the ride. if need be you can catch all the terrorist outfits & the smugglers in one single day as we have excellent network but the politicians for their own purpose neglect it at the cost of the lives of soldiers & pilots. spending money on defence is a useless expenditure there are hardly 4 to 5 countries in the world involved in a war for the last 25 years

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RE:Stupid people
by nagendra narayan on Sep 26, 2007 03:13 PM  Permalink
well said. If the same team fails the same crowd attacks the houses of players. no doubt indian players have acheived a great competition but dont forget we have done in 1983 and till date we have not acheived the cup. What happened to the great heroes we have to celebarate but we should also be sensible

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RE:Stupid people
by aman on Sep 26, 2007 03:32 PM  Permalink
U shut-up Indian team has returned home by defeating pakistan cricket players and not any other cricket team. U should be ashamed of u r self as u speak obout the them in such a way. Dont come ever in front of me or else i will kill u

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RE:Stupid people
by MATISH CHANDRA on Sep 26, 2007 03:30 PM  Permalink

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