Fellow country men & women!! We are a gr8 nation, cos we have won 20-20 cricket world cup!! Leave all those unnecessary, unwanted stories of backwardness,poverty,corruption,dirty politics,lack of civil sense,Forget the traffic vows, leave alone the crumping infrastructure,small stretches of roads amidst the potholes, much akin to the surface of the moon, ignore all the lawlessness seen around..in short, just close your eyes to everything else and just celebrate this magnificient, historical victory in the entire history of human life ever since mankind came into existance! Each one of you please contribute your might to these victorious cricketers and their employers - the Board members of BCCI without whom we would not have reached this pinnacle of glory, this super human achievement unparalleled. Not the Kargil war, not even the Indian Freedom struggle which ended on 15th Aug'47 would compared anywhere near this.. Contribute all your might.. give away all your earthly possessions - money,property, even your life to these cricketers who have brought so much glory to a nation. Now INDIA is the ONLY advanced, most powerful, well developed nation in the entire Universe!No US, No Europe, no other country can beat us any more!WE ARE NO-1. Just Celebrate and gloat in this glory..(till we get beaten up black n blue by the OZ shortly that is!) Jai Hind!