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Sick journalism
by Seenu Subbu on Sep 26, 2007 06:50 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Narendra Modi has done wise in not indulging in largesses involving state treasury. It's not his father's jagir and I suppose he understands it. Who the heck are you to interpret, on *our behalf*, that the reason for ignoring contributions from Gujrati players is "plain as the nose on the chief minister's face", who are you? Please find other lucrative ways to support your useless life, this is not journalism.

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RE:Sick journalism
by saturn on Sep 26, 2007 08:00 PM  Permalink
Well said Seenu and you are correct there. If BCCI showers them with money, it is a cricketing body. Let them do so. But that does not mean ALL have to run behind them with suitcases full of notes!

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RE:Sick journalism
by Soman soman on Sep 27, 2007 11:53 AM  Permalink
Seenu is an ignorant person. You know already politicians involvement in Cricket , like Pawar etc. spoiled the game. Now why this ignorant Seenu is worrying on other polititians involvement.

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RE:Sick journalism
by saturn on Sep 27, 2007 08:14 PM  Permalink
I do not think that Seenu is ignorant. He has a lot of commonsense which is very uncommon.

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Lesser Heroes??
by hardhitter hardhitter on Sep 26, 2007 06:13 PM  Permalink 

Met a man on a train.Delhi to Patna. Alone. Returning from Kargill. Next compartment another man from Siachen. After almost a year to his hoome & family. NO felicitation, no flowers, no dancing fans, no Million $ prize bonus. These two men defended our country against enemies for months against most adverse conditions. Both of them lost one limb each in the process. Why? Why my dear country & country men we never ever felicitate these men while they return from Kargill or Siachen? Are they such lesser heroes than our cricketers??

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Adulation of cricket players
by shrikant vaidya on Sep 26, 2007 04:46 PM  Permalink 

Basic motive of giving prize is to encourage younsters to aim for exelence.Debate will always be there from both sides.Root cause for any thing is economics.Which sport/game is generating revenue equal to cricket?It is the popularity of game that controls everything.Uncertainty is the glory of cricket.This one factor alone has contributed lot for the popularity of cricket.Variables are too many in this game.It has its merits.

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I have a few suggestions..anybody??.
by shreen on Sep 26, 2007 04:35 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Keeping in mind the majority opinions expressed in this discussion forum,I have a few workable suggestions :

1)Its an undisputed fact that Cricket is the No-1 sport in India. (In fact occupies all positions between No-1& No-10!). But for a country of 1.2 billions, its rediculous that only 11 people represent at any point in time. Therefore, in order to correct the situation, henceforth India will play a min of 22 players in any match.(double the present capacity!If the Indian Govt can multiply the no of IIT's & IIM's, why no Cricket too?!).
1.a)There will a caste/religion based quota system as well with this increased no of players, in addition to the existing Region/State quota. Thish will appeace majority population vying for the cricket pie and may win elections too!
2)Increase the no of formats being played from the 3 currently (test match,One dayer and 20-20) to minimun 10. There will be 10-10, 5-5, 1-1 matches, gully cricket and a mix of cricket/football/hockey etc in a single game. (This should ensure all other sports occupying positions after No-10 get a representation)Much like decathelon! World championship matches will be played for every format of the game every year (Like in tennis, where we have Grand slam matches every year)
3)India being a "developing nation", while playing against "developed nations" like the Aussies,England etc will get a 'discount' of 30% (i.e if aussies score 100, we will win if we score 71!)
I have many more suggestions..


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RE:I have a few suggestions..anybody??.
by sri sri on Sep 26, 2007 05:11 PM  Permalink
In continuation of my above post, let me add a few more IMPORTANT suggestions as well, taking into account the female population of this country,lest I get branded a MCP :

4)Since Men's cricket steels all the lime light, adulations and rewards and no one cares about the women's cricket, one more format of "mixed cricket" will be introduced (a'la mized doubles in Tennis). Out of the 11 players on field any time,6 will be women!(see, I have given higher reservation for women) There will be appropraite dress codes for these players so as to attract maximum eye-balls to the game!

5)In order to reward all these players sufficiently after every victory (which is so rare that its rewards galore now!), there will be an Income Tax (cricket) surcharge of 2% for all citizens. (The players will ofcourse be exempted from all taxes)
6) To bring in participation from the corporate sector into this game, there will be Tax sops given for corporates starting a board of there own like ICL (There can be RCL -Reliance Cricket League,TCT - Tata Cricket Team etc). India will play multiple teams in tournaments India-A,B,C.. upto Z.
7)MOTHER OF ALL SUGGESTIONS : There will be a world cricket championship meet comprising of ONLY these 26 Indian teams. That way,whichever team wins the tourney, we all Indians can CELEBRATE!

I welcome further ideas/suggestions from the rediff members! The best idea will be rewarded Rs.1 Crore by BCCI and equal recognition from the Govt.of India as well.

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The Herd
by Makkad Man on Sep 26, 2007 04:03 PM  Permalink 

It was great to see a collective effort from the young Indian team after a gap.
But is this euphoria justified. Has rediff found out the feelings of everyone stuck in a traffic jam because of this celebration.They are writing as if everybody is not caring about the trouble. Cricket is not the only thing in life for majority of Indians.They have more.
Are the prize monies justified,as somebody said here a fraction of it could be used to develop other sports. What a waste of public money by politicians!!!
Got save India from dirty politicians and the Herd mentality of people.
Celebrations are fine but manic display is not.

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state govt cash??
by on Sep 26, 2007 03:54 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

why should defunct state govts give so much cash to players...along with plots, etc....
did they bother to do the same with the hockey n football players when they won the nehru n asia cup this yr.?
As it is.. the players have earned more than enogh from bcci ....isn\'t 80 lacs enough for them....
So many fricking financial problems in maharashtra and other states.,vidharba farmers cheques of rs 500 n 1000 r bouncing cause of no funds...

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RE:state govt cash??
by Ganesh Mahadik on Sep 26, 2007 04:04 PM  Permalink
Good suggestion
but they musy pay for them from Pocket of Hounrable Mr.Sharad Powar,and other politicains
or film stars or BCCI commity

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