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I have a few suggestions..anybody??.
by shreen on Sep 26, 2007 04:35 PM

Keeping in mind the majority opinions expressed in this discussion forum,I have a few workable suggestions :

1)Its an undisputed fact that Cricket is the No-1 sport in India. (In fact occupies all positions between No-1& No-10!). But for a country of 1.2 billions, its rediculous that only 11 people represent at any point in time. Therefore, in order to correct the situation, henceforth India will play a min of 22 players in any match.(double the present capacity!If the Indian Govt can multiply the no of IIT's & IIM's, why no Cricket too?!).
1.a)There will a caste/religion based quota system as well with this increased no of players, in addition to the existing Region/State quota. Thish will appeace majority population vying for the cricket pie and may win elections too!
2)Increase the no of formats being played from the 3 currently (test match,One dayer and 20-20) to minimun 10. There will be 10-10, 5-5, 1-1 matches, gully cricket and a mix of cricket/football/hockey etc in a single game. (This should ensure all other sports occupying positions after No-10 get a representation)Much like decathelon! World championship matches will be played for every format of the game every year (Like in tennis, where we have Grand slam matches every year)
3)India being a "developing nation", while playing against "developed nations" like the Aussies,England etc will get a 'discount' of 30% (i.e if aussies score 100, we will win if we score 71!)
I have many more suggestions..


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