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Ganguly the return to ODI
by mutharaju ramana on Mar 30, 2007 04:01 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Dada proved his calibre by regaining his batting skills and proved himself. Hard work pays proved with him. The other so called big heads in the game to go out or the comittee pushed them out then only they will come with some standards to prove.

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RE:Ganguly the return to ODI
by kimmi sethi on Mar 30, 2007 04:21 PM  Permalink
this is totally crap...

i am toatally amzaed to see that how can some people praise the players of team india be it saurav or dravid or anyone else....really crap

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he deserves
by Arvind on Mar 30, 2007 04:00 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

ganguly deserves such a welcome cos he has proved himself...he fought back his place in the team..and has been the highest scorer for india this wc..and his average after comeback is also quite good...better than others...he deserves a gr8 welcome cos he has earned it..

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RE:he deserves
by vijay singh on Mar 30, 2007 04:12 PM  Permalink
Ganguly is a good batsman, but he had not performed according to his status.
He struggled for run on the pitch. He still has a fear of dropping out from the team. He should keep it out of his mind and then play a natural game.
Definitely he is not a good contender for captainship this time may be in future he will be.

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RE:he deserves
by Satish Godse on Mar 30, 2007 04:03 PM  Permalink
We lost Bangaldesh match only becuase of poor batting of Saurav, he played more dot balls. This what happen whern senior players comback to team, they play slow to make runs to prove themselves, ultimately causing team to loos match.

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RE:RE:he deserves
by Truth on Mar 30, 2007 04:05 PM  Permalink
bangladesh had 3 left arm spiners at that but ganguly was struggling against them. ha ha .shame on kolkata.

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RE:he deserves
by LS Pathak on Mar 30, 2007 04:10 PM  Permalink
Stop blaming...What do you mean when you say we lost becuase of DADA...Remember he was the highest scorer and he was the only scorer.Take away his 69 and imaginf what would be the total.If u think he played so,what were other players doing????Counting chockens

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RE:he deserves
by Sanjay Ranawat on Mar 30, 2007 04:10 PM  Permalink
Well Said

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RE:he deserves
by Krishna on Mar 30, 2007 04:11 PM  Permalink
Then what abt ponting and jyasuria? r they new comers? arn't they playing well? as long as a player is fit enough to play he should be playing. nothing wrong with that. and more over our senior cricketers are just around 32-33. see how many players u will find in other teams. i am sure u will find loads and loads of players. Age is not the reason why we lost. the players are subjected to extreme pressure and that is killing them and the game as well. Don't make any noise for some time and watch them play the subsequent series, u will see that they play and win too.

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RE:he deserves
by Circuit on Mar 30, 2007 04:11 PM  Permalink
Shutup godse, If you remove hir score in that match then india could have been bowled out on below 100 in 25 overs.

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RE:he deserves
by SUBHABRATA DATTA on Mar 30, 2007 04:20 PM  Permalink
do u understand how cricket is plauyed? can u plz tell me what would have happened had dada too got out cheply agnst b'desh? would india have crossed 100 runs then?

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RE:he deserves
by Krishna on Mar 30, 2007 04:02 PM  Permalink
Don't put anyone in front of the team. if indian team failed then ganguly filed. if indian team suceeded then he suceeded. this hold good for everyone in the team.

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RE:he deserves
by Krishna on Mar 30, 2007 04:35 PM  Permalink
By ur name u seem to be a girl. do the girls talk in such a rude and uncivilized way in west bengal? please clarify. i don't know.

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RE:he deserves
by Arvind on Mar 30, 2007 04:08 PM  Permalink
however i want to add that india lost in wc just cos ppl were aiming at individual excellence rather than aiming for team india to win...ganguly did score a lot after his comeback but most of the times he played safe...he never took on the bowling...he feared failure and omission and so played safe and built a steady score which was always lesser than the number of balls faced...he never played for india to win...but for his own personal score..even others in some way or other did that..they also tried to be smart and selfish like ganguly..and thats the reason india is out of world cup..but ganguly did earn the spot and a warm welcome by scoring runs..but whts d use when india is out??look at aus or nz...they play for the team to win..its a collective effort..but the indian players played for their own respect and personal scores..its sad

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RE:he deserves
by on Mar 30, 2007 04:17 PM  Permalink
I dont know whether Ganguly played for himself or team in the World Cup... but 1 thing I am sure is of is that he used to play for the team 2 years back... He placed his individual interests back for the sake of the team... he left his favourite opening place for the team...

The question is... what did he get in return???

And on the other hand is Sachin Tendulkar who has been playing for his records for so long and still is in the team (remember how he blasted the captain in Multan Test just coz he wasn't able to complete the 200) ..

Again the question is : What did he get??

Now if I had a choice in this kind of setup... I would opt for playing myself...

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by Zulfiqar Dholkawala on Mar 30, 2007 03:59 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It doesnt matter what happens to GANGULY as TEAM INDIA Failed and INDIA as a nation got angry!! Now I dont know WEST BENGAL is in INDIA or not!!

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Its a shame...
by Dream Girl on Mar 30, 2007 03:59 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Its a shame... The king of the blind men... What a joke.. It is the same kolkata which keeps disrupting matches at Eden Garden... Now feels proud of a joker who spoiled our innings by being at the pitch.. It would have been much better for India if he had got out sooner...

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by amit madan on Mar 30, 2007 04:10 PM  Permalink
do u mean if we make the Kapil captain again, we'll win the WC?

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RE:Its a shame...
by sonali k on Mar 30, 2007 04:22 PM  Permalink

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RE:Its a shame...
by anirban sen on Mar 30, 2007 04:03 PM  Permalink
Hey dream girl,just keep ur mouth shut, otherwise god will punish u.Shame to you! Is Ganguly a joker? If it's ur view, then shame to u only. He is the most successful captain and continuing his service to nation for last 11-12 years. Just see his contribution in indian cricket. U will not find any match of him.

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RE:RE:Its a shame...
by vicky singh on Mar 30, 2007 04:12 PM  Permalink
ur name says it all, sen pls. come out of this bengali touch! its a realty that because of the team performance we are out of WC, nd ur dada is one of that fool who didnt count on his runs with a win for india!Politics

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RE:Its a shame...
by amit madan on Mar 30, 2007 04:08 PM  Permalink
service to nation....oh!! was he in the army?

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RE:Its a shame...
by reji philips on Mar 30, 2007 04:10 PM  Permalink
bengali or bangladeshi, is this the reason why gangulay scored 60 runs of 144 balls against bangladesh. Thats why bengal is so close to bangladesh. What captancy if you check his record he has won 50% of his matches playing against bangladesh, zimbabwe, kenya & other small teams. He went to the extent to support the left party to kick dalmiya out. When Dalmiya won he went to dalmiya's side. so don't talk about ganguly. Indian Team is better off without him.

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by anirban sen on Mar 30, 2007 04:21 PM  Permalink
Philips, hv u even played cricket? If yes, then just remember that Dalmiya is far far better than Power. Power can't run even his agriculture ministry, and so many farmers are committing suicide. Now he's greaming of ICC president. Saale darpok. He played so much dirty politics, now came to damage our favourite game too.Go back Power, David, Chappel and their supporters.

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RE:Its a shame...
by Astro San on Mar 30, 2007 04:10 PM  Permalink
Well said..Dada is best Capitan for India ever..All others hv failed miserably

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RE:Its a shame...
by Vikram B. on Mar 30, 2007 04:07 PM  Permalink
> Hey dream girl,just keep ur mouth shut, otherwise god will punish u.


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RE:Its a shame...
by rajendra agrawal on Mar 30, 2007 04:01 PM  Permalink
Well said.

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RE:Its a shame...
by anirban sen on Mar 30, 2007 04:08 PM  Permalink
I don't know ur IQ. But please be noted that as off now india has received only 4 nobel awards and all 4 nobel achievers are from Calcutta. Is there anybody who is as intelligent and talented as Tagor & Amarta Sen? U people are just just like VP Singh and Arjun singh, who has *ked our nation by dividing the people in race and cast. Shame to you. Go to hell.

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by Astro San on Mar 30, 2007 04:12 PM  Permalink
Yeah Anirban, also the greatest Spiritual gurus are only from Bengal. Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, Sri Yogananda, Sri Ramakrishna, etc, etc..the list is ENDLESS

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RE:Its a shame...
by Sreenath PN on Mar 30, 2007 04:20 PM  Permalink
Hey CV Raman got Nobel Prize and he is not from culcutta / bengal. Stop thinking inside little circle and please think broadly

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by anirban sen on Mar 30, 2007 04:25 PM  Permalink
Srrenath, u should learn general knowledge and then come to common forum like this. I know that out of 4 nobel, two were received by bengali. Mother teresa and CV Raman are not bengalis. But they stayed for decades in calcutta. CV Raman spent completed his research in National cultivation of science in calcutta and got the award. Similar to Teresa.

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RE:Its a shame...
by Sreenath PN on Mar 30, 2007 04:52 PM  Permalink
Mr Anirban, its not about GK. For your kind info there are 6 Indian nobel recipietns.
Do you mean CV Raman stayed in culcutta so he got nobel ?
As I said its not about GK please think broadly and more constructive way.

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RE:Its a shame...
by Kishore on Mar 30, 2007 04:09 PM  Permalink

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by vicky singh on Mar 30, 2007 04:15 PM  Permalink
well said! buck up! there dada nothing doing!

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by anirban sen on Mar 30, 2007 04:28 PM  Permalink
Aare tera jeysa nikomma indian team me hey, to ek tiger keya kaar sakta hey? Team is full of mukhotas like, sachin, david, sehwag. Tiget to hey. That's why he scored more than 186 sixes in one day-highest among indians and third in the world. O bhi in lesser no of matches than Sanat Jayasuriya. Just see his comeback, then u should shut ur mouth for ever.

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by Circuit on Mar 30, 2007 04:15 PM  Permalink
kishore, you come to me, I will satisfy you.

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RE:Its a shame...
by Truth on Mar 30, 2007 04:02 PM  Permalink
when ganguly got out early.

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RE:Its a shame...
by Circuit on Mar 30, 2007 04:13 PM  Permalink
Hey drama flurl,

what your other mates done, kya danda hilane ke liye gaye the.

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RE:Its a shame...
by Rishi Raj on Mar 30, 2007 04:05 PM  Permalink
As ur name suggest. Keep Dreamong. He has risen from the Ashes and he'll lead the team once more. N ladies are not invited. Its for GUYS

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by anirban sen on Mar 30, 2007 04:13 PM  Permalink
U r correct Rishi. Cricket is not a game for weak hearted and shy guys like, David and Sachin. U should be as aggressive as Ganguly and then rule on the ground. I think David is the most silly captain in the world cup. He does not how to encourage the team. He is equally jeolous of ganguly and it's succesful return. He should thank to Ganguly for given him so many chances in one day cricket during 2001-2003. During that people used to switch off their TV just to avoid his boring batting.

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by SUBROTO RAY on Mar 30, 2007 03:58 PM  Permalink 

Kaye dada rokra paijey kya!Behind the serious (fake) veil is money money and money and power power power we the sports lover are paying for it.

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bhery bhery naice
by nisha on Mar 30, 2007 03:58 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

let's hit the robindo shongeet! bengal has josht bhon the wbord cop!

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RE:bhery bhery naice
by Anil Kumar on Mar 30, 2007 04:02 PM  Permalink
and eat roshugolla!!!

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RE:bhery bhery naice
by Kishore on Mar 30, 2007 04:10 PM  Permalink
well said

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Some Money Saved
by Jose Samuel on Mar 30, 2007 03:57 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

At least some money was saved by the BCCI by not letting the players take their wive's with them to the Carribean Islands. Agar ley jaatey to kya ek aur honeymoon mana letey.

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RE:Some Money Saved
by Astro San on Mar 30, 2007 04:04 PM  Permalink
The money saved went into pocket of BCCI top brass..Sharad Pawar, etc

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Ganguly(DADA) should be nominated as captain once again
by hitesh pandit on Mar 30, 2007 03:57 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I think it's enough of Dravid now as a captain.
He is the best player when INDAI needs him the most(No doubts about that),but as far as captaincy is concerned even Dravid should agree that he is no where near to Ganguly.

It will be in our longterm favour to nominate Ganguly as a captain once again rather than thinking about Tendulkar(That will be another rubbish of a decision).

apart from this bring back V.V.S Laxman in One-Day Squad(What wrong the stylish and most talented hydrabadi batsmen had done in the recent past is something that nobody can answer.

No need to continue with Chappel replace him with Sandeep Patil.

Please share u'r thoughts

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RE:Ganguly(DADA) should be nominated as captain once again
by Satish Shanbhag on Mar 30, 2007 04:01 PM  Permalink
You are absolutely right hitesh!!!

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RE:Ganguly(DADA) should be nominated as captain once again
by Vilas Bhadane on Mar 30, 2007 04:00 PM  Permalink
Ganguly as captain????? why dont we just go back to the middle ages instead. Here is a chance to change team india completely and we have people debating whether to make ganguly captain... i'm thinking india wont have a chance even in 2025 for the world cup!
Three cheers for Team INDIA though. WHATEVER.

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Dada Nagma
by Sweta Nanda on Mar 30, 2007 03:55 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Ab Tera Kya hoga re DADA

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RE:Dada Nagma
by gajendra mishra on Mar 30, 2007 04:07 PM  Permalink
cricket chhodro aur business mein lag jao wahi aap ke liye aacha hoga

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RE:Dada Nagma
by chand day on Mar 30, 2007 04:02 PM  Permalink
kya hoga.......fir sw captain bonega........again bengal will lead from the front.

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Wel Come To Gangully.
by Narayan Kanti on Mar 30, 2007 03:54 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

He indeed deserves a Grand Well Come as he is the only Hero who has performed very well at all stages in spite of his ill treatment by the BCCI. I Wish he should be invited to captain India.

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RE:Wel Come To Gangully.
by Astro San on Mar 30, 2007 04:08 PM  Permalink
Well said Narayan. Ganguly shd once again become Captain . India has been most succesful only under his captainship.

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RE:RE:Wel Come To Gangully.
by shankar aurade on Mar 30, 2007 03:57 PM  Permalink
hero hut bengali billi mew! mew!!

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RE:Wel Come To Gangully.
by Titas Bera on Mar 30, 2007 04:16 PM  Permalink
shankar you tendulkar is a billi...you people really don't know now anything amd lost of culture...i don't know where are you from..but i am sure you are having a panparag culture..you useles fools are no good for the country..go back you bloody fool..

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RE:Wel Come To Gangully.
by Aone on Mar 30, 2007 03:56 PM  Permalink
narayan please tell me where r u living...?

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