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Ganguly(DADA) should be nominated as captain once again
by hitesh pandit on Mar 30, 2007 03:57 PM

I think it's enough of Dravid now as a captain.
He is the best player when INDAI needs him the most(No doubts about that),but as far as captaincy is concerned even Dravid should agree that he is no where near to Ganguly.

It will be in our longterm favour to nominate Ganguly as a captain once again rather than thinking about Tendulkar(That will be another rubbish of a decision).

apart from this bring back V.V.S Laxman in One-Day Squad(What wrong the stylish and most talented hydrabadi batsmen had done in the recent past is something that nobody can answer.

No need to continue with Chappel replace him with Sandeep Patil.

Please share u'r thoughts

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