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Dravid was welcomed but Ganguly was welcomed...WHY?
by krishna dutta on Apr 05, 2007 12:57 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

1.Dravid took 20 months to find that PROCESS was hot air......Dada came to know about the PROCESS malfunction in 2 months flat>>>

Dravid can never ever be close to Ganguly,......Ganguly is Deva.......Dravid is not even Prabhudeva!!!!

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RE:Dravid was welcomed but Ganguly was welcomed...WHY?
by Suman Bhat on Apr 17, 2007 09:49 AM  Permalink
team ind early exit is b'cuz of some senior players lack of commitment, negative cricket and 2 ex cpatain's dirty politics in dressing room. Instead of supporting captain, both ex captain undermined his ability and when it comes to take blame for defeat never come forward. Even sachin's outburtst in media was not justified b'czu ndtv report never mentioned a single player name in particular
dravid accepted responsiblity but when ganguly was captain he neveraccepted responsiblitly for defeat. When team lost press brief were done by dravid as VC.
ricky ponting team is winning game b'cuz no players goes agaisnt team or captain or promote groupism
Dravid played under captaincy of sahcin and ganguly, he gave 100% commitment to team, socred runs when team was required against strong bowling attacks under pressure, building partnerships and stayed at wkt to finish match. Dravod dod promote groupism or HE TRUESTED SENIOR PLYERS WILL SUPPORT HIM BUT BACK FIRED BY superstars like sachin bajji, ganguly dhoni, zahirkhan and agrakar,,,,
Under tim mody SL is playing superb cricket None of senior player /ex captain m envied mahila%u2019s his promotion as captain From the outset they gave unstinting support. they remained hungry to perform and did not rely on reputation or popular support to protect their places.
ganguly's success as captain is b'czu of contributions of dravid sachin laxman kumble and sewag NOT CERTIANLY HIS LEADERSHIP QUALITIES LIEK takign out shirt, making opposition captain wait for toss, yelling at bowlers for loose balls, making funny face on field, argueing umpers etc..

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Ganguly...Captain of Lagaan Team
by laligam sekhar on Apr 04, 2007 08:47 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Why not India create a Lagaan team, to be shown repeatedly on TV: Ganguly (captain), Tendulkar, Sehwag, Harbhajan, Agarkar, maybe even....Shoaib Akhter.
Of course the opposing teams will be paid hansomely, and team India will win the World Cup....!

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RE:Ganguly...Captain of Lagaan Team
by suresh reddy on Apr 06, 2007 08:55 PM  Permalink
You forgot Nagma as Manager

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Hav Ganguly prepare the team
by Alok K on Apr 03, 2007 02:28 PM  Permalink 

Ganguly made Indian team a winner even when he was not playing. What he could do with 10 players (minus himself), all 11 put together can't.

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1/11 Shameless face..
by Achyut Bal on Apr 03, 2007 10:02 AM  Permalink 

..and he still walks with his head high!

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Move BCCI HQ to Delhi. *$$$$$$$$$
by sunny chakraborti on Apr 03, 2007 03:58 AM  Permalink 

First move BCCI HQ to New Delhi. Then
2. Dissolve the team logically.
3 Next gather all great former cricketers and elect an interim-Indian Coach(interim).
4. Then create the team from all available bucket (current team, Ranjit trophy teams..etc). 5. Identify what is missing from the team (plan)-pace bowlers, batsman, spinners?-search country wide-maybe a small town guy(who could not get into Ranjit trophy because of politics) will prove-like Washim Akram was picked.
6. Lastly create a 4-point system for each player, which they will gather for each game (point for batting, point for bowling, point for fielding, point for leadership). Plus and Minus points. Add them up whenever in need and you can get an unbiased team hierarchy-irrespective of regional bias and politics.

Corporate world will pour more money in this team. Its like earning college credit. How does this sound fella? Even plaers will build their own social security over time.
-From New York

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don't write poetry
by krik on Apr 02, 2007 11:49 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Entire preparation of WC world cup wasted by inclusion of this guy. He is a shrude politician and knows very well when to do what. That's why he was so cool even after WC exit. Actully someone told me about it when he was added to S africa tour. I didn't beleive that time but now yes...

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RE:don't write poetry
by ABC XYZ on Apr 03, 2007 01:29 AM  Permalink
Dear Mr. Krik

When Entire India Team was sweating in South Africa, this shrewd guy was the top scorer with consistent scoring. B.T.W learn English first. It's not shrude, it's shrewd. You are the biggest fool who cannot handle reality. Ganguly has proven his worth after his comeback. You and your Ganguly bashing mates may keep on bragging about how selfish, mean guys he is. But, you know what, as long as he performs, no Chappel, Dravid, Dungarpur, et al can do any harm to him. At best you loosers will post hate mails in rediff.

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RE:don't write poetry
by Nehal on Apr 03, 2007 05:38 AM  Permalink
Yes, He was top scorer against bagladesh. You know what, he scored 66 runs in 21 overs and scared all the players. I am totally agree with krik. All the other players are also share the blame but this guy is the best possible reason for dibacle of team India.
Jai Hind

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RE:don't write poetry
by krik on Apr 03, 2007 06:56 AM  Permalink
keep on checking spelling and writing about ganguly...what else you got??? no one wants to thrash anyone out but it is yu guys who want to stand out of the rest of India by praising him like a lord. it seems that you need more acid reducer than anyone else

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by krik on Apr 03, 2007 06:59 AM  Permalink
my last message was for abc xyz..look at the name doesn't want to leave any alphabet also----abc to xyz

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RE:RE:don't write poetry
by amar on Apr 03, 2007 01:12 PM  Permalink
well said krik... looks like he likes checking grammar and spelling, no wonder he is called ABC ...XYZ :-)

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RE:don't write poetry
by Saibaskar Parthasarathy on Apr 04, 2007 10:06 AM  Permalink
Ganguly ran like a hare oops!! wrong spelling i meant hair.. with no great disrespect to Darrel Hair.. and it contributed extremely in India's victory over bangladesh and Srilanka

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RE:don't write poetry
by Malakpet Rowdy on Apr 04, 2007 02:57 AM  Permalink
I think it's "losers" not "loosers" :))

English apart, I do agree with the fact that Ganguly did beter than other players. If he scored slowly in WC what were others doing? Throwing their wickets away?

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RE:don't write poetry
by prodosh sen on Apr 04, 2007 05:47 AM  Permalink
It is for you kind of 'guys'India play as regionals.
You are from which province /region?

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This is shameful
by Abhishek Banerjee on Apr 02, 2007 10:38 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I am a Bengali myself and I am ashamed that sections (mind you, not all) of Bengalis are acting as though dada is separate from the team and Bengal is separate from India.

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RE:This is shameful
by Abhishek Banerjee on Apr 02, 2007 10:40 PM  Permalink
they are all equally to blame, from sachin to uthappa for this loss. They should be held accountable collectively. India sank without a trace in the WC and none of our maharathis: Sachin, Dravid, Dada, Kumble and Sehwag, nor any of the "mini"rathis Yuvi, Dhoni could do anything about it.... shame on them all

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RE:RE:This is shameful
by amar on Apr 03, 2007 01:15 PM  Permalink
abhishek ur hilarious... u write and also replies to urself... cool...

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RE:This is shameful
by sanjay on Apr 05, 2007 08:16 PM  Permalink
bhalo holo India here galo. Otherwise it could have been worse in suppa-8.They look better in Ranji 20-20 duleep trophy etc.

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Seniors for Test Cricket; Juniors for One-Day
by jyostna shenoy on Apr 02, 2007 08:16 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I believe we need not sack anybody, the huge embarassing defeat is a good lesson learnt.

I suggest we move everyone senior - Dravid, Ganguly,Tendulkar, Kumble,... into the Test Eleven.
Seniors may not like it because of the loss of endorsements, but they should consider themselves lucky enough not to have been sacked completely.

Move the youngsters led by either Yuvaraj or Sehwag into the One-day Eleven. Give them at least 3 years to play and grow in confidence. This way will give a good time for youngsters to prove themselves. I have no hope that we will lift the World Cup in 2011; but will definitely put up a better show.

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RE:Seniors for Test Cricket; Juniors for One-Day
by ritnanya on Apr 02, 2007 04:52 PM  Permalink

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RE:Seniors for Test Cricket; Juniors for One-Day
by Gourab on Apr 02, 2007 07:55 PM  Permalink
Atleast he could bat.. unlike the so called greats and reliables..."the captain" with the same team and the worst performance as a player and a captain... Mr Rahul Dravid.

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RE:Seniors for Test Cricket; Juniors for One-Day
by binu on Apr 03, 2007 04:37 PM  Permalink
comeon man in last and most important match, he was only man standing waiting for his batsman to play it out. U should be blind for blaming him for poor batting. He is the captain tht doesn't mean, he has to bat for 11 players ....just look at the reality ..none of the player had the zeal to stay in world cup. ganguly is getting warm welcome for creating havoc by batting slow against bangladeshi team. look at any team openers batting so slow against these bangladeshi team. for ganguly and tendulkar they looked like brett lee or shohib akhtar i guess. Even in that game singles started coming in when dravid came to bat....u guys are just hero worshiper don't won't to look at reality

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RE:Seniors for Test Cricket; Juniors for One-Day
by sanjay on Apr 05, 2007 08:19 PM  Permalink
did you say- he was the only man standing-gooood we don't need batsmen who can stand, we need batsmen who can score and we need captain who can take good decisions and motivate India to win

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why warm welcome to Ganguly?????????????
by Sohail on Apr 02, 2007 05:03 AM  Permalink 

i dont think any point in praising ganguly's performance. If he is a real hero, then he shud have performed good in the match against srilanka.
We are responsible for making our cricketers lazy by praising them for their peformances against weaker teams.

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Ganguly's return is the sole reason of India's underperformance
by glamdring on Apr 01, 2007 11:04 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Ganguly should have never been called back, it basically created many power centers within the team, thus damaging their morale.
I really wonder about what Somnath Chatterjee and other senile leftist commy bong MPs are doing about India's debacle, they had all the time in the world to shriek for Ganguly's inclusion.

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RE:Ganguly's return is the sole reason of India's underperformance
by sanjay on Apr 05, 2007 08:23 PM  Permalink
mixing cricket with politics. you must be slam drunk(hic)

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by glamdring on Apr 08, 2007 09:36 PM  Permalink
dude, do u read newspapers ? did you know Somnath chatterjee the speaker and a few bengali MPs were screaming to have Ganguly included in the team ? dudes like you are like bimbos, just go by the conventional wisdom of the moment. And whats up with the lame pun ?

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RE:Ganguly's return is the sole reason of India's underperformance
by Anand Banergee on Apr 02, 2007 04:07 AM  Permalink
Though I do not agree entirely to your bengali bashing... I would agree on some of the things

Compare todays Ganguly with today's hayden or today's Gilchrist or even today's Jayasurya. Where does dada stand ? But the fact is even though dada scored at a very poor rate, we still did not have a better option, remember the previous West Indies tour. We keep saying we are a country of Billion, unfortunately our youngsters have not stood up to the challenge. Remember the countless opportunities given to Kaif, Raina, Pathan, Dhoni, RP Singh. All of them have failed when India needed the most. The only option now is to remove dada, Sachin, Shewag, Harbajan from Indian one day team. Let Dravid be the captain till he can mentor yuvraj or some other youngster. I would retain Dravid over dada, Sachin, Shewag and Harbajan because even now he plays when the team needs the most and is very consistent and scores at a good rate in the middle overs. Team India please fill in all the other positions with youngsters. I think it will be a good idea to drop Dhoni and Pathan because they have not realized how great it is to represent Indian cricket. They may come back hungry at a later time.... Please bring in people like Manoj Tewary, Rohit Sharma, Romesh Pawar and Abid Nabi etc. They should conduct talent search i.e. divide our country into 4 zones, pick the best 15 in each zone and finally come up with Indias best 15 or 30 and give the youngsters chance in our team. Australians are physically and mentally strong after 30, but sadly indians loose their strength when they cross 30, so we have no other option then to select youngsters in our one day team. Dada, Sachin and Harbajan can limit themselves to test cricket if they want. India is a country where cricket is a religion that ties the entire country, and people representing us have no right to treat us in the shabby manner they did recently. It is time that they reap what they sowed...

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by glamdring on Apr 04, 2007 11:04 AM  Permalink
Well, bengali bashing ? you were probably not one of those bengalis that cheered SA over India.

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RE:Ganguly's return is the sole reason of India's underperformance
by rathindra mukherjee on Apr 02, 2007 01:54 AM  Permalink
I understand the frustation of the "Hate Ganguly" club and sympethise with you, my only request is to give yourself some time, the wounds would heal. Let me make an anology, like democracy in our country is young and we are fond of our rights but what true democracy is valuntary discharge of our duties and it comes with maturity. Similarly we now love the game and just enjoy the wins, as the spectators would mature they would understand the finer points of the game. As with any exam we find our children failing when we put too much pressure to succed, so this is a God send opportunity for the team as well as the fans to learns and behave with maturity and probably then may be able to appreciate the tenacity of Ganguly.

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RE:Ganguly's return is the sole reason of India's underperformance
by glamdring on Apr 04, 2007 11:02 AM  Permalink
I was a recent convert to "hate-ganguly" club . The "tenacity" of Ganguly is at best dubious. He was removed from the team for non-performance, and he continued to have bad performances in domestic cricket. Our team lose a series in WI, hell broke lose in the parliament. It is a shame on all the Bengali MPs, note that they are all leftists who are not supposed to believe in this capitilistic sport, to debate this in the parliament . All the while Ganguly was smug, even when the calcuttans cheered SA over India. He gets in the team, and yes he has had a few decent performances since then. But the point is simple, the rules were bent to accommodate him again, which is what i don't like. By doing this, BCCI has said that if you have a rowdy regional lobby behind you, you don't need to worry about rules. His off-field cunning trumps his on-field skills.

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RE:Ganguly's return is the sole reason of India's underperformance
by sujoy chowdhury on Apr 05, 2007 12:29 AM  Permalink
Yes ... Same rule used kick out Ganguly Should be applicable to Sachin tooo... Then u need to Open "Hate Sachin" club... Will u be able to do that ?

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RE:Ganguly's return is the sole reason of India's underperformance
by glamdring on Apr 08, 2007 09:33 PM  Permalink
yes, sachin should have retired 2 yrs ago ..

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RE:Ganguly's return is the sole reason of India's underperformance
by sanjay on Apr 05, 2007 08:20 PM  Permalink
keep it up dada

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