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Move BCCI HQ to Delhi. *$$$$$$$$$
by sunny chakraborti on Apr 03, 2007 03:58 AM

First move BCCI HQ to New Delhi. Then
2. Dissolve the team logically.
3 Next gather all great former cricketers and elect an interim-Indian Coach(interim).
4. Then create the team from all available bucket (current team, Ranjit trophy teams..etc). 5. Identify what is missing from the team (plan)-pace bowlers, batsman, spinners?-search country wide-maybe a small town guy(who could not get into Ranjit trophy because of politics) will prove-like Washim Akram was picked.
6. Lastly create a 4-point system for each player, which they will gather for each game (point for batting, point for bowling, point for fielding, point for leadership). Plus and Minus points. Add them up whenever in need and you can get an unbiased team hierarchy-irrespective of regional bias and politics.

Corporate world will pour more money in this team. Its like earning college credit. How does this sound fella? Even plaers will build their own social security over time.
-From New York

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