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by apurva singh on Dec 03, 2007 07:22 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies


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by apurva singh on Dec 03, 2007 07:23 PM  Permalink
wadekar azhar were a pathetic combination who made a poor indian team look good by doctored home ground performance. they failed to win even in bdesh and zimbabwe. it is only with wright that we started winnning abroad.

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by PP Y on Dec 03, 2007 08:33 PM  Permalink
My dear Apurva, Bangladesh got Test status only in 2000 long after wadekar azhar era. though u were spot on about his credentials as a coach

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by jagroop dhillon on Dec 03, 2007 09:24 PM  Permalink
yeah she is right, we lost some one day matches in Bdesh

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by apurva singh on Dec 03, 2007 07:22 PM  Permalink 

wadekar was the biggest nonsense. in his time, india failed to win series even against bdesh and zimbabwe. he was a manipulator in every sense. he blatantly believed in doctoring pitches. it is only much later under john wright that we started winning abroad. wadekar azhar combined were pathetic because a poor team was made to look good by doctored home ground performances.

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Gary Kirsten - BCCI's
by Rahul Kulkarni on Dec 03, 2007 05:59 PM  Permalink 

When the BCCI interviewed Gary Kirsten, they must have asked him just one question. That being, can you be the BCCI's "Yes Man"? Can you just do everything what the BCCI tells you to do and nothing more than that. Basically, be the BCCI's highly paid puppet? A professional coach who would have had some coaching experience might not have agreed to this, but Gary Kirsten who has no coaching credentials was the ideal candidate for this kind of job. I am not surprised thar Gary agreed to the package put forward by the BCCI. The whole issue of Indian or Foreign coach is wrong and immaterial to the BCCI. They just want a guy that plays along with them in anything to say and do. Cricket is not a sport but a big business in India and BCCI office holders are businessmen who just want to increase their business. They are not even concerned about the betterment of the game and improving the quality of the cricketing infrastructure to produce a world class team like Australia. Even players getting into the National side want to make as much money as they can by doing endorsements and ads. The whole cricketing fraternity in India is maligned. There is no need of discussing this Coach issue anymore.

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make kps gill or kiran bedi as the coach of India.
by lets go on Dec 03, 2007 05:55 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

kps gill or kiran bedi should be the coach. all lazy pampered cricketers will then l;earn to play!

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RE:make kps gill or kiran bedi as the coach of India.
by Campro on Dec 03, 2007 06:05 PM  Permalink
i dont wish to comment on kiran bedi and cricket.. maybe u have some insights into her cricket coaching skills which i seem to have missed.
Now coming to KPS Gill, we all know the state of Hockey in our country and his contribution towards that.

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RE:make kps gill or kiran bedi as the coach of India.
by . on Dec 04, 2007 01:17 AM  Permalink
kps gill the villain of indian hockey shud b kicked out of IHF. pawar better than gill.

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sharad bhai
by Keshab Chetry on Dec 03, 2007 05:49 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

sharad power should coach indian team...

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RE:sharad bhai
by Rahul Kulkarni on Dec 03, 2007 06:01 PM  Permalink
he doesn't coach he "owns" it.

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experience of coaching??
by Vijay Nalanagula on Dec 03, 2007 05:32 PM  Permalink 

Some one pls tell me how much expreince did MR Wadekar have before becoming the coach of the indian team, and what coaching exprience does MR Amarnath have.??

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BCCI Should open eyes now atleast
by Kishore ManthanGOD on Dec 03, 2007 05:12 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Wadekar is right! Do not we have people to coach India? After all, BCCI is running behind a person who had bad words against India. On the otherhand, India has good managers with experience like Sandeep Patil, Mohinder Amarnath and Kapil Dev.

Just because of the BCCI politics, we already had lost lot of cricketers and coaches to ICL. It seems even now BCCI is no mood after a worst setback in the worldcup.

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RE:BCCI Should open eyes now atleast
by Ankush on Dec 03, 2007 05:24 PM  Permalink
Absolutely ridiculous!! How can be a non experienced coach can coach indian cricket team..Its the time to support the purple patch of Indian cricket that it is going through and innovations are not required a this stage...AN indian coach or any other experienced campaigner is the need of d hour

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RE:BCCI Should open eyes now atleast
by goodman adam on Dec 03, 2007 06:10 PM  Permalink
We indians have some inbuilt qualities.We all want authority without responsibility.We all like to conduct post mortems and issue comments. Thats why our so called great guns are in coach selection committee or team selectors.When it comes to regulate them they create a lot of noise but they like to gag people under them.It all happens in POLITICS where lawmakers dont follow or break the rules. And further if one sees the BCCI or selectors how many of them know cricket.All are politicians or into cricket politics as it gives them power fame and may be MUCH MORE thru other channels.When cricketers start doing same they are shown rule books.Just look at M/SRajiv Shukla or Niranahan shah or Lalit Modi and others whereas other class is Mr.Binny Chandrashekhar,Mr Venkat Raghwan,Mohinder Amarnath,Sandeep Patil etc the world class players of their era are not there.Finally Board must be run by Professional cricketers and not by politicians or politically appointed people.

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john wright
by bluebie on Dec 03, 2007 04:56 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Ajit Wadekar forgot that it was under john wright (a foreign coach) that we had the best victories and some very good series. Of course Wadekar might have been a good coach but I am not sure how many of the matches under Azhar's captaincy were 'really won'. Another point is that excepting Mohinder Amarnath, Wadekar only suggests other Maharashtra ex-players as coaches...is it that there is a Maharashtra quota for coaching the Indian team or what? I personally believe Sandeep Patil is a good choice bot otherwise, the coaches in India are not really professional. I don't understand this 'cultural' thing that people keep bringing up, that foreign coaches don't understand Indian culture and stuff...they are not paid to understand Indian culture for heaven's sake but to make the team a successful and professional outfit and I think John Wright was one of the best. Of course in olden days there was no need of a coach as the level of professionalism was less and that was true for all teams. Now, with the Aussies raising the bar, every team need to follow suit, if they want to have any hope of catching up. India winning some matches without coach now is because of the number of seniors in the team and once they start retiring, it may not be the same (of course 20-20 victory is an exception...)Instead of criticizing alone, ppl should have some patience and give the new coach some time to prove his worth.

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RE:john wright
by Janavi Sundaresan on Dec 03, 2007 09:01 PM  Permalink
But Greg Chappal was a disaster. He ruined the team and their morale. You cant assume all firangi coaches will be great. May be it is time to try Mohinder Amarnath or sandip Patil who coached Kenya and brought them to some level.Times are different today.Indians have learnt the importance of physical fitness and sports culture which was not there before. What john Wrigt brought to the team was stress on physical fitness, discipline and Team spirit. Now Indians have learnt all these and we can be sure Indian coaches would also have learned a lot in these years. I am praying that the South african coach will decline the offer. When Indians are shining as great managers and enterpreneurs why do doubt their coaching skills?

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foreign coach
by on Dec 03, 2007 04:36 PM  Permalink 

let there be no ambiguity, bcci has gone out of wits, its having some petty gains in the name of foreign coach, some tacit understanding, which speaks a lot that something fishy is going on. if it keeps behaving erratically than country's name should be taken away from it, let it be a private board. it should be answerable to one billion people of india why its so much in favour of foreign coach, why its humiliating country & its cricket lovers by begging/selecting to fords/kirsten/embury, etc with no coaching experience at all, for no reason & disgrace the country, is it they are bargaining for personal benefits or hiding something which indian coach may be difficult to negotiate, what else explains the fact that they are selecting those who are not only surprised but also treated country like dirt in their playing years. its sheer foolishness/unpatriotic to even think of those who dont respect our country. its all the more difficult after greg era, why they wont to spoil indian team, its a known fact that team india was doing very well before greg joined & he just brought the worst of indian team, major beneficiary australia as india was a real threat to australia. bcci should be accuntable for its actions, it should not be allowed to select anyone as coach for indian national team, more so foreigners with least respect for the country.

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