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Gary Kirsten - BCCI's
by Rahul Kulkarni on Dec 03, 2007 05:59 PM

When the BCCI interviewed Gary Kirsten, they must have asked him just one question. That being, can you be the BCCI's "Yes Man"? Can you just do everything what the BCCI tells you to do and nothing more than that. Basically, be the BCCI's highly paid puppet? A professional coach who would have had some coaching experience might not have agreed to this, but Gary Kirsten who has no coaching credentials was the ideal candidate for this kind of job. I am not surprised thar Gary agreed to the package put forward by the BCCI. The whole issue of Indian or Foreign coach is wrong and immaterial to the BCCI. They just want a guy that plays along with them in anything to say and do. Cricket is not a sport but a big business in India and BCCI office holders are businessmen who just want to increase their business. They are not even concerned about the betterment of the game and improving the quality of the cricketing infrastructure to produce a world class team like Australia. Even players getting into the National side want to make as much money as they can by doing endorsements and ads. The whole cricketing fraternity in India is maligned. There is no need of discussing this Coach issue anymore.

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'Kirsten has no experience of coaching'