this is the beauty of unknown team called senegal has the chance to kick out world champions like cricket, stronger test teams like australia always win onj weker teams like bangladesh.....thats why cricket is not getting popularity worldwide....
RE:the beauty of football
by RC on Jun 22, 2008 12:23 PM Permalink
Well annu je... you r not correct.. Bangladesh defeated Pakistan, Kenya defeated West Indies, and in future UAE, Holland, Wales are going to defeat Champions day they would loose..i think even bengladeshi's defeated Australia its possible in cricket too..our Asia cup would be won by Bangladeshi...
RE:the beauty of football
by kalyan ram on Jun 22, 2008 12:34 PM Permalink
thats only once or twice.....but in football there is always an chance for weaker teams like russia, senegal to upset top teams like dutch, france.....
RE:the beauty of football
by SachinTheGreat on Jun 22, 2008 12:38 PM Permalink
So Ur maintaining both, Kalyan Ram and Annu Malik ID's....................