by Avinash on Apr 28, 2008 01:15 PM Permalink
mr. Reddy, I could not understand what statistics you are referring to. I would be glad to share any information I have with you.
by R K Reddy on Apr 28, 2008 01:17 PM Permalink
the global religious break up of communities in percentage. last time I checked hinduism and Islam were at 13 and 22 % respectively, with high growth projections for both.
by Avinash on Apr 28, 2008 01:22 PM Permalink
Though I cannot give you an authentic source, according to my knowledge (obtained from various sources) the break-up is: Christians (all denominations) - 33% Muslims (all sects) - 17% Irreligious atheists - 15% Hindus and followers of other native religions of India - 12% Other religions: Rest
Probably you can get some info on this from Wiki also. The growth projection has no real meaning as such.
by sunny sunny on Apr 28, 2008 01:26 PM Permalink
Mr reddy please read also this in africa it is presumed islam is going ot vanish everyday 10k people convert to Christianity's how come so huge number leave islam if it is right this is not cooked up this is fact