by Ali boy on Apr 28, 2008 12:52 PM Permalink
Allah and Mohammad are offcourse right.But again knowing that why you still are unable to believe and following paganism which you know by heart is false.
by Avinash on Apr 28, 2008 12:52 PM Permalink
He is enjoying the full breasted virigins till the jihadis reach the paradise for he is sure that when they all reach paradise, there would be shortage!
by Ali boy on Apr 28, 2008 12:54 PM Permalink
Avinash@ You think in the same way as what your satanic way of life has taught you.No doubt manusmriti and kamasutra are not written by muslims...pagan
by Avinash on Apr 28, 2008 01:12 PM Permalink
Ali boy, neither manusmriti nor kamasutra are religious books of hindus. In fact hindus do not have any single book that can be called "holy-book" like the Quran or the Bible. We are not bound by the dictates of some obscure mullahs or some high priest. We are free to believe in any god or not to believe also.
by Deepak MA on Apr 28, 2008 01:34 PM Permalink
Right.. and hence you cut it off!! If not for that organ you would not be born you jack ass.