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by avtar priyadarshan on Apr 28, 2008 02:02 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Dear Yunis, if u hate Hindus so much, then where was ur dignity when u decided to stay back during partition.Why didnt u leave us in peace. Does a Liberal hindu polulation give u the dare to spaek against them and plant bombs etc etc. When someday vote bank politics die, ur ungrateful community shall vanish too...

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by younus siddique on Apr 28, 2008 02:05 PM   Permalink

i decided to stay in INDIA as INDIA belongs to me ...infact if you hate muslims and cant co-exists then why dont you migrate to your country NEPAL which is the only HINDU country on earth ....

even your forefathers dreamt about the vanishing of MUSLIMS from their country INDIA ...but still we exists ...

if you riot and kill innocent muslim women and childrens ...then ofcourse you have to expect a BOMB beside you ....there is nothing called LIBERAL HINDU .....

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by Avinash on Apr 28, 2008 02:20 PM   Permalink
You cannot expect only "Hindus" to be liberal. Every one of have to renounce the outdated religious dogmas and see the fellow humanbing for what he really is rather than segregating them into caste, creed, colour, religion, region, etc.

There is no meaning in asking the "Hindus" top migrate to Nepal. A separate country was created for the "Muslims" only. Btw two parts of Pak could not remain for more than 25 years after creation. So much for much for your "Ummah"!

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by speekingthetruth on Apr 28, 2008 03:09 PM   Permalink
Younis is a spokes persion for Al-Quedq, He has been recruited to spread hate and voilence on the web!
This must be the new age of web terrorism!!

Good work Younis! .. When are u going to blowup your-self .. may be u can ask u r terrosit friends to share the snape of the final doom!

All the best for your Terrorist activites by Alla (peace be only upon him and no one else) bless your blown up consious and pitty soul!

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by avtar priyadarshan on Apr 28, 2008 02:15 PM   Permalink
Why was India partitioned then?? Why was a two nation theory upheld my ur Muslim league and Jinna. Let me tell u, u guys became foreighners for us the day india was partitioned. and the same day u realised the same. it was sheer poverty that made u stay in India. All the rich and famous Muslims had left. When u have a heart for Pakistan go there. Dont destroy my country, and mind u, this country doesnt belong to u the same way why Pakistan doesnt belong to me.....Thats two nation theory.....

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