RE:Difference between hinduism and Islam
by Ali boy on Apr 28, 2008 01:31 PM Permalink
BIG MISCONCEPTION....Islam is not 1400 years old.Prophet Muhammad is the last of the prophets who only succeeded Adam,Abraham,Moses,Jacob,Jonah,Joseph and lastly jesus.WHO ALL FOLLOWED "True submission to One Almighty-ISLAM" Paganism can be old but again it was there to oppose the truth since beginning. But clear your misconception ISLAM is the faith of all the prophets.
RE:Difference between hinduism and Islam
by Ali boy on Apr 28, 2008 01:33 PM Permalink
Your claim that if a person who doesnt go to mosque for four consequtive weeks can be killed is a false accusation...there are many muslims who do not practice SALAH or the prayers prescribed by God almighty. But again how many got killed in India in the last 1400 years just because they dont pray. i hope you are ready with the list.