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A question to the ''believers''
by Avinash on Apr 28, 2008 03:09 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Each one of you is sure that the god/gods of other religions are not true. Then what makes you believe that your "god" is true?

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  RE:A question to the ''believers''
by Lotan Potan on Apr 28, 2008 03:22 PM   Permalink
There is no your god or my god in my opinion. God is one and he is only that persons who is righeous and loves all mankind, helps poor and forgives his enemies. Unfortunately some ideologies say that those who do not bend and bow like slaves will go to hell, then they forcefully make people submit at the tip of the sword. I dont believe in all that. I would rather prefer to die than submit to such evil philosophy.

Unfortunately, many weak minded Indians(the weakest of us all) submitted to this ideaology. Mostly they are living in slums in Pakistan, but are causeing a lot of trouble for decent humans.

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  RE:RE:A question to the ''believers''
by Avinash on Apr 28, 2008 03:26 PM   Permalink
Dear Lotan Potan, there is an article on the web "Positive Atheism" titled wheter "God is a plain dope" Pl read that. And also Ten Commandments on the School Wall available on teh same website.

There is no proof for the existence of any "supreme creator" Are we to beleive that such a creature created itself? Then why the earthing and everything in the universe could not create themselves?

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  RE:A question to the ''believers''
by Lotan Potan on Apr 28, 2008 03:33 PM   Permalink
Consider these facts:
1. The universe comprises of only two things Matter and Energy.
2. The interaction between these two entities is governed by 1500 fundamental scientific constants.
3. One such constant is the Gravitational constant G = 6.67 * 10 pow(-11).
4. In this universe, if you change this constant by 0.00000000000000000000(thirty three zeros) %, then the universe will collapse, in other words, slight increase will collapse the planets to a point, and slight decrease will prohibit any solids only gases will remain.
5. Each of these universal constants ARE FINELY TUNED TO THE BILLION TRILLION TRILLIONth degree of correctness.
6. This fine tuning makes life possible in this universe.
7. This fine tuning, MANDATES a fine tuner


None can prove that HE DOES NOT EXIST.
However, logically, all evidence points to his existence.

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  RE:A question to the ''believers''
by Avinash on Apr 28, 2008 03:40 PM   Permalink
>>>>>>However, logically, all evidence points to his you are sure it is a "he" why not a "she" or an "it"? And can you also elaborate whether he is blond or brunette, what is his age, size, where does he sit, etc also?

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  RE:A question to the ''believers''
by younus siddique on Apr 28, 2008 03:42 PM   Permalink

search for the meaning of "ALLAH" you will get an answer about HE or SHE ....

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  RE:A question to the ''believers''
by Lotan Potan on Apr 28, 2008 03:44 PM   Permalink
Yeah I made a mistake by "HE", but that is not a deficiency of my conecept of the creator, but a deficiency of the sexually biased language we use. The creator will have no gender, shape, form or nature. He is not defined within the parameters of this universe. For any thing defined by the parameters of this universe is made up of matter and energy and consequently bound by the rules and laws of this universe. That is not true for the creater as it is a concept essentially defined 'beyond' this universe.

The prime mover, the originator, the creator, the nameless one, The Lord, GOD, Yeshua.

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  RE:RE:A question to the ''believers''
by younus siddique on Apr 28, 2008 03:50 PM   Permalink

that mean you are a convert ......

hey how much you got for converting and how much will you get for converting others it like chain business same as 'AM *WAY'

well you were talking about converts in many forms and were abusing muslims for converting long ago ....

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  RE:A question to the ''believers''
by younus siddique on Apr 28, 2008 04:03 PM   Permalink

looking at your posts against ISLAM and muslim ...i dont see any sophisticated thinking in you ...

your DOUBLE mastered degree is of no use if you still continue with your attitude and thinking like an illeterate person .

grow up kid until its too late.

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