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by avtar priyadarshan on Apr 28, 2008 02:06 PM   Permalink
Dear Younus, if u hate Hindus so much, then where was ur dignity when u decided to stay back during partition.Why didnt u leave us in peace. Does a Liberal hindu polulation give u the dare to spaek against them and plant bombs etc etc. When someday vote bank politics die, ur ungrateful community shall vanish too. HOW COME U PEOPLE BE SO SO SHAMELESS...

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by younus siddique on Apr 28, 2008 02:08 PM   Permalink

i decided to stay in INDIA as INDIA belongs to me ...infact if you hate muslims and cant co-exists then why dont you migrate to your country NEPAL which is the only HINDU country on earth ....

even your forefathers dreamt about the vanishing of MUSLIMS from their country INDIA ...but still we exists ...

if you riot and kill innocent muslim women and childrens ...then ofcourse you have to expect a BOMB beside you ....there is nothing called LIBERAL HINDU .....

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by avtar priyadarshan on Apr 28, 2008 02:14 PM   Permalink
Why was India partitioned then?? Why was a two nation theory upheld my ur Muslim league and Jinna. Let me tell u, u guys became foreighners for us the day india was partitioned. and the same day u realised the same. it was sheer poverty that made u stay in India. All the rich and famous Muslims had left. When u have a heart for Pakistan go there. Dont destroy my country, and mind u, this country doesnt belong to u the same way why Pakistan doesnt belong to me.....Thats two nation theory.....

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by younus siddique on Apr 28, 2008 02:18 PM   Permalink
all the rich and famous muslims had left ...that doesnt mean that we should also leave .....its our wish ....INDIA is our country .....why dont you leave to NEPAL or SRILANKA if you cant co-exist .....

if our MUSLIMS who were rich would have stayed here ...then you might have looted them also ....

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by avtar priyadarshan on Apr 28, 2008 02:26 PM   Permalink
Indian muslims claim Bangadesh, Pakistan and above all India as their country. Former two i can understand but India was left for Hindus if u have read a little history. It was gandhi who let u stay. But then u will go on spitting venom at us. Shameless people. No wonder why the world hates u....And please get some idea from the pages of history while saying India is mine. Simply vote bank politics and the Voters ID card dont make u prople....

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by Lotan Potan on Apr 28, 2008 02:07 PM   Permalink
Islam is mainly growing amongst black african animals, poverty stricken slums and forcebly converted minorities, but dont you notice that majority of this population is low quality low IQ stupid almost like animals. You will notice they dont have single contribution to humanity, just like dogs dont have contribution to humanity.

The reason is that God has cursed the Muslim community for its blood stained hands in 1000 years of history. This cursed community is just sucking earth's resources and contributing nothing, just like animals. Soon global warming will happen and earth will engulf the poor stupid muslims while intelligent people will find a way out from technology.

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by younus siddique on Apr 28, 2008 02:09 PM   Permalink
LOTAN POTAN ...forget about ISLAM think about your CHRISTIANITY which is getting scrwd nicely in ORISSA

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by Lotan Potan on Apr 28, 2008 02:13 PM   Permalink
Younus you can cite one off incidents while forgetting the majority tolerant Hindus, but dont forget God Almighty does not think that way. Pakistani Hindu population stats(15% in 1947 to 0.5% in 2007) is a black burden in the head of Islam, and God will never forgive that easily.

So jump all you want in one off black incidents of India involving only hundreds out of billion population, and ignore tolerance of majority, God will forgive you.

But God will never forgive you and your religion for the people who died when India was invaded unprovoked, and what has happened to Paki Hindus.

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by younus siddique on Apr 28, 2008 02:20 PM   Permalink
most of the PAKI hindus were converted to ISLAM the way INDIAN and other NATIONALS converted to ISLAM ....

regarding the past .....the HINDU rulings were very vulgur and ugly ...thats why the other nations have invaded INDIA .....

its the IMPOTENCY of HINDU KINGS who were not able to defend their country and save their people ...they were bussy enjoying their luxurious lives ....its we who suffered ...thanks to the invaders who provoked the country ....

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by Lotan Potan on Apr 28, 2008 02:26 PM   Permalink
Younus so should India invade the helpless people of Palestine, just because those poor noble people are weak right now? Should India take advantage of its power of nuclear weapons and nuke the entire middle east to help Israel in its war? Will India ever do that?

Do you think just because your enemy is weak is a good enough reason to invade and kill innocent farmers and traders of the population and rape their women?

And if a SINGLE Indian Hindu did not convert till date in India, why do you think Paki Hindus converted?

Why do you think Islam is being punished the world over?

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by Avinash on Apr 28, 2008 02:08 PM   Permalink
Why do you indulge in pick and choose? This is the first para of that article:

Religions can grow in numbers due to conversion or due to higher birth rates in a religious group (assuming that children take on the religion of their parents). Religions in particular countries can grow due to immigration. So the fastest growing religion could refer to:

The religion whose absolute number of adherents is growing the fastest (by whatever means).
The religion which is growing fastest in terms of percentage growth per year (by whatever means).
The religion which is gaining the greatest number of converts.
Measures counting absolute numbers tend to favour the larger religions; measures counting percentage growth the smaller ones. For example, if a religion had only 10 followers, a single addition would be a 10% increase, and would therefore dwarf the percentage growth rates of the larger religions.

Any I am not interested in the numbers game!

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by shan mh on Apr 28, 2008 02:19 PM   Permalink
hey stupid!conversion rate among Americans is estimated to be at 135,000 per year, with African-Americans making up the largest group of converts followed by American women, as well as a significant number from the Latino community.

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by Falcon on Apr 28, 2008 02:08 PM   Permalink
Well its a good excuse to hide the popularity of true religion, Why dont you admit that you hate and jeolous of their progress

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