by kailesh patel on Jun 23, 2007 04:48 PM Permalink
Real madrid had all the ingredients for the past 3-4 yrs and yet they dint win anything.. and now they win after ronaldo left and beckham is leaving....and barca... only this season has been a bit dicey.. past 3-4 seasons have been jus wow... dude ur one of those who changes side when u c the boats sinking
by Saurav on Jun 23, 2007 04:59 PM Permalink
Real madrid needed a coach like Mourinho. they have got a good coach now in capello. Just watch Real Madrid fly this season. They need Kaka.
by saptarshi datta on Jun 23, 2007 07:20 PM Permalink
real won coz of van nistelrooy... nistelroy is a much better player than ronaldo by current form...
by Tejas Kashyap on Jun 24, 2007 09:45 AM Permalink
yup!!!!real s gonna rock this season!!!!!jus hopin that kaka comes to real this season!!!!