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Human Mind
by on Feb 21, 2007 12:51 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

It is unfortunate that this human tragedy has exposed ourself. It is a pity that we have not able to overcome our prejudices and be empathetic to the people who have suffered. Instead we are fighting a battle among ourselves to prove each another wrong.
Let us all do a self analysis.
Godhra Train Carnage and aftermath
Bombay Bomb Blast and aftermath
Punjab miltancy
1984 riots
Jallianwala Bagh 1919
Is there any single community which has not done the sin of killing humanity. No religion has ever preached hatred. It is the evil human mind (who probaly lacks the intelligence to comprehend religion) is responsible for these carnages.
Let us not play in the hands of these evil minds. Let us postpone our hatred to some other day.
God Bless us..

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  RE:Human Mind
by samad khan on Feb 22, 2007 03:46 PM   Permalink
Human mind it is really wonderfull to hear some one talking peace other wise on all these blogs we can only see people out to kill each other . U r very true that no religion teaches this and U r true that people from all religions have done this sin of killing humanity .Lets stop that .

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