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who told u Dr. Singh that Chinese will learn Hindi?
by chindia on Jan 20, 2008 05:13 PM   Permalink

MANMOHAN SINGH and his team should restrain from wasting public money in the name of promoting Hindi abroad. Do you think that Chinese will learn HINDI? last year in NY crores of rupees were wasted in the name of HINDI. Why not these leaders speak in Hindi. When Indians are not speaking HIndi they are crazy that Chinese will speak HIndi. Better use that 75Lakh for education of poor childrens back home. Vajpayee jee also gave millions of dollars and established India centre at Peking University. *back in 2003). Come and see Chinese have finished all the money and have not produced a single papaer on India. India is not Japan which is pouring money to shut mouth of Chinese intellectuals on the issue of WW-II attrocities. Manmohan Singh is well qualified to calculate the use of fund where he is donating. The money was given in a private meeting, no body was allowed to attend that meeting. What nonsense. No diplomatic protocols were maintained. Dr, Singh was totally misguided by Embassy officials who really made a murky of his visit. All the meetings were fixed in the last moments so that they can play their game. But they are soinsane that they did not ask for some fund for renovating the Embassy mansion which was burnt by the chinese during the Cultural revolution. Anyone who has visited the Beijing Embassy will realise that India is really a Jhuggi jhopadi country. Better, they should use the money to give a new outlook to the Embassy building so that we can also feel yes, Ind

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