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terrorism & pakistan
by Guest on Jul 21, 2008 09:08 PM   Permalink

Hi friends, well as the caption goes there should be no ambiguity on the account that these words are synonimous. pakistan as a country has no locus standi,as for as normal international conventions r concerned . never uptill now this country has been so serious about its subjects.
all along the country has been persuing a policy of hatered,fundamentalism,sectarianism & above all practising 2 nation theory.that includes 2nd grade treatment to its minority subjects,India bashing & last but not the least CREATING TERROR INFRA STRUCTURE inside its territory besides exporting terrorism in the name of ISLAM.
well guys there should be no doubt here pakistan has been instrumental in spreading terror in INDIA,talbanising ever peaceful AFGHANISTAN. SO WHAT WE C TODAY VIZ;BLOOD SPLASHING EVERYWHERE,the credit goes to paki rulers courtsy PAK creators.

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