where is congress agent sagarika of CNN IBN? she will predict a congress win in china also even if congress dont exist there? where is communist sahadevan?
RE:where is
by . on May 26, 2008 12:48 AM Permalink
cnn ibn and the gang of burkha dutt, rajdeep sardard-desai, etc. are a mafia gang of jamaat-e-pseudo-secularists.
RE:where is
by on May 26, 2008 12:30 PM Permalink
LOL. Nice one, well said. Looking forward to Congress winning in China, can't wait Sonia "reading" speeches in Chinese :D (sad that she is improving her Hindi ... after few decades in India .. so her speeches are NO more entertaining in Hindi).
RE:where is
by shashmann on May 26, 2008 12:23 AM Permalink
WELL SAID EYE OPENER also have you noticed there is nothing on the CNN & BBC website about the WIN OF BJP............