When India and Pakistan parted, even after gandhi insisted to Jina (The true name is Jina and not Jinnah ,he was a hindu origina, but once muslim, he was brainwashed as everyother indian muslim ) that he should not ask division. He even offered PMship of India to him. But he said muslims cant progress with Hindu and so got his Pakistan taking so much of land and people. Now, if muslims took so much area,and bleeded us thereafter why still there are so much mulsim in india? It is unfair partition and unfair to the rest of people of India. This is a srajaher chori.
RE:shalessness of muslims of india.
by salim on May 26, 2008 12:34 AM Permalink
Mohamed Hasham Premji the faher of Wipro Premji had been invited by Muhammad Ali Jinnah to come to Pakistan to serve as finance minister in the country's first cabinet,he rfused and stayed in india,shall we now expell all of premji's family to pakistan now?
RE:shalessness of muslims of india.
by samir kinalekar on May 26, 2008 02:17 AM Permalink
I think indians wont mind.... India can produce more narayana murthy's & ambanis....
RE:RE:shalessness of muslims of india.
by on May 26, 2008 12:26 PM Permalink
To be honest, it doesn't matter at all, Premji is free to move to Pakistan anytime. Anyways, he is not doing much to India, he owns 85% shares and keeps all profit/revenue with himself, have u seen doing any charity? About the jobs, there will be 100 other companies to suck up all Wipro employees, if Premji moves to Pakistan. What a great India will be without him :)
RE:shalessness of muslims of india.
by anuj gupta on May 26, 2008 09:00 AM Permalink
Salim...if Premji would go to pakistan with all his assets..Wipro will surely fail...Its not that only Premji made Wipro big...it is the Indians workig in his company who made his company biug and contributed...in pakistan there is no Talent and there are few more bombs blasta then in India....muslims kill muslims there....it is a terrorist country and its end is near..
Indian muslims are nice and I would say it is the misdoings of few muslims that bring the shame to them...anyways - India is great and so every Indian...