It is very disappointing to know that request for closure of the arushi murder case is been entertained by court. I am very much surprised and would like to share the info that Our police department has carelessly handle the case.. First , Police has entertain the Talwar's argument that they are not having keys of terrace?Second Talwar and fanily has cleaned the room as well washed the clothes of arushi and sent her body for post mortem? Third with in same day the post mortem is done and concluded with report?Fourth Same day the cremination ritual are performed and noone was available for answering the quieries of Investigating team?Fifth Postmortem is done on cleaned body of girl ?Last but not least nowhere anyone is interested for Hemraj who should be given justice as his family is in Nepal?After one year Mr. Talwar is handing over the Golf Stick to CBI and now the prime weapon is disclose?? Tell me onething any of above things are done by a common man then will he be get relief will our law permits such careless ness?????? In this case Invovment of high profile person is there and due to which undue advantage is been taken by Talwar and other (Police/CBI /Doctors etc)
To whom we have to trust...As an person we all pray that Court has to decline the closure report and have to initiate reinvestegation with proper honest person...???? Two billion Plus population mein can't we get a person who honestly investigate the case and disclose the culprits.
Re: Justice or Mockery
by Andy on Feb 09, 2011 03:31 PM Permalink
DO you remmeber initially Media has reported Mr. Talwar is Arushi's Step Father????? Two months back CBI Confirms that Victims are died due to a hit with Golf stick on Head and later the throat is slited.
One of Talwars well wisher has tried to influence the Psotmortem report where Rape part should not be disclosed.