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aarushi murder case
by Sudhir Chopra on Jun 01, 2008 02:27 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Handling of this case by UP police is shocking and shameful. IG should have been sacked immediately in view of his utterances.Till the last day ,SSP Noida informed in open press conference that Dr talwar was fully cooperating then suddenly next day he was arrested on the suspician that he was consulting his advocate for obtaining anticipatory bail if this was proof of his involvement in crime. In the name of scientific forensic foolproof investigation,
most vicious kind of character asassination was resorted to perhaps in the hope that unable to cope up with mass hysteria, talwars may take some extreme step thereby putting an end to scientific investigation. After having failed to find any proof , UP govt now wants to wriggle out by tansferring the case to CBI as a damage control step.All sympathies to Talwars in their hour of grief and also to family of Hemraj

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  RE:aarushi murder case
by Dominic Manuel on Jun 02, 2008 09:25 AM   Permalink
Yes, police have messed up the case. It may be Talwar' who have initially bribed and tried to cover up. By then it has come under the scanner of media, then police have tried to do some homework that has backfired. Police have to explain why they did not search and secure the place of crime. Why they didnt bring forensic experts in the first place. Talwar'household probably would have thought of disposing off the body once attention shifts to cremation. The killer is from within. Otherwise why should a killer bother to drag the body to terrace, cover it with cooler cover and lock the terrace again. Whoever may be that killer, he or she has taken enough time without hurrying. If there was any other killer they would have bolted Dr and Mrs. Talwars' room first. A person who knew where the keys to terrace was, should also be knowing Talwars' their bedroom. In my opinion a scene was created to blame Hemaraj, so his body was hidden. Why didn't they hide Arushi's body. If a killer is someone else why did he bother to move the body and hide. His goal was killing, he would have killed and disappeared. Why did he need mobile phones of both?

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  RE:RE:aarushi murder case
by dakshin on Jun 02, 2008 11:49 AM   Permalink
Anything is possible. Common sense observation of the crime scene and events aftermath points out finger at the family rather than any one else. Lawyers are trying to play with technicalities than with facts. Whoever has killed has killed with such a precision. He/They may have used surgical gloves to avoid finger prints, they have taken time to collect all important things like weapon or tool used to kill, mobile phones etc. Definitely they were not in a hurry. The family version of events looks like a fairy tale.

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