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There cannot be any smoke without fire
by Vismay on Jun 26, 2008 11:03 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

It is possible that Dr. Rajesh Talwar may have admitted his involvement in killings during police investigation, knowing that it cannot be admitted in court. Only after his lawyer came into picture did denial drama started. Police officials are not fools to come up with some story - there cannot be smoke without fire. If the initial reports are true, why did he call his lawyer and inquired of getting anticipatory bail, even before he was named as suspect. Why did he initially refused to identify Hemaraj's body? Many similar questions point out strongly to his involvement - his involvement may be active or passive, direct or indirect.

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  RE:There cannot be any smoke without fire
by shantanu joshi on Jul 03, 2008 09:23 PM   Permalink
Havent you heard of artificially generated smoke. Well.............

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  RE:There cannot be any smoke without fire
by dakshin on Jun 26, 2008 03:11 PM   Permalink
What happened to that story which quotes a friend of Arushi saying an affair between Dr. Talwar and his colleague. It was reported that this was the basis for his arrest. It was also reported Dr. Talwar of sceaming - did Dinesh Varma disclose all these to you. Who is this Dinesh Varma.

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