I think this case is very dificult for C B I. in this case mistak by noida police.whose all evidance washed by killer.noida reached there very-2 late.this time not any evidence in hand C B I.if C B I sloved this case that i think C B I is very-2 Great in this HOle world i pray to GOD for arushimurder Justified.
RE:arushi murder case
by nitin kumar on Jun 24, 2008 05:54 PM Permalink
This is totally a messed up case which has left no clues for CBI.They are just digging their hands in the mud and hoping to come something out of it .
RE:arushi murder case
by dakshin on Jun 25, 2008 11:11 AM Permalink
If proper scientific procedures are followed,it is possible to track down the killer.