i read all the messages and i am compelled to write this..i am a mother of a 14 year old girl too and havent slept peacefully since the gruesome murder of that hapless kid..i cant help thinking about her trauma and her last moments..its unbelivable that parents are so smitten by their own affairs that they have to kill their own daughter who looks very pampered in the videos.What are we proud of then??we indians?? we parents?? we the global citizens?? we the so called heading to 21st century??the leaders of the world?? i condemn the murderes of this poor child (whoever they are)and i will be ver happy the day they are sent to gallows though all my 2o years of legal/social career i have pooh paah d capital punishments but this time i feel that no amount of punishments will be enough!!!
RE:arushi murder case
by Riazuddin_Imran on May 31, 2008 02:34 AM Permalink
What U have said is right but at the same time U should never give any negative thoughts about all indians.First of all let the police finish their investigation and produce the evidence and the main culprit. But I think no mother or father in this whole world can resort to such a heneous crime. If you get into the past history of Arushi U can see that, how well her parents has brought her up.According her class mates, her teachers and the principle of her school she has been praised by every one. Then to whom this credit shall go to--- obviously to her parents. so now can u tell and feel the same about arushi's murder. It is not that I dint feel bad or anything like that.I was also shocked and was not able to carry on with my regular activities for 2-3 days. If you would like to get in touch or contact me just mail me on to --- krimran @ rediffmail.com. I would be happy if you let me know your opinion about my views
RE:arushi murder case
by munira qamri on May 31, 2008 08:41 PM Permalink
yes u r right that i shud not harbour such negative thoughts about everyone...lekin maa ka dil hai...jazbaati ho jate hai.. i hope wish and pray that the parents have not committed this crime...that's what i sais that she looks very pampered child then how can this happen??i will be one happy peaceful person when the truth comes out...and "satyamev jayate"is proven..i am very eager as i am facing a hard time counselling teenagers who are asking me embarrassing questions about their own parents..agar bacche maa baap pe bharosa nahi kar sakenge to kaha jayenge???
RE:arushi murder case
by Vismay on Jun 02, 2008 03:17 PM Permalink
Situation in India has changed. Anything can happen with any one. I read an article very recently about thefts in malls and shopping complexes. Majority of the people who are caught on camera a well to do, highly respected individuals. Humans are very complex. They may be good at one place and bad at another. If you work with teenagers you will be knowing many things: they are different at home, different in school, different in social gatherings etc. An article in news paper a week ago has come out with stunning facts. 20 - 30 % teenagers are involved in various activities including sex. It is not known to their family or known in their friends' circle. Globalisation has brought in lot of baggage with it. Unfortunately our teens are victims of that baggage.