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aarusi case
by MUNNA on Jun 02, 2008 06:21 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

media played a worse role in this is going to investigate all the cases. This is not good.There r tremendous pressure on up is increasing this pressure.UP POLICE SHOULD GET THE TIME FOR INVESTIGATION because this is a blind murder and ther is no any eye witness.You can see that even Aarushi's father didnot open the door of the roof door.Rajesh talwar's behavior is very suspecious also because when Police came to his house first time for investigation ,he did not open that door.Its because he is involved in this murder.His plan was that ,when Police will go after the investigation ,he will take the body of Hemraj away from his house and throw it.But his plan was failed because media persons are always present around his house.Rajesh Talwar did not get time and the body of Hemraj got rotten .SO Rajesh Talwar is hundred percent involve in this murder.

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  RE:aarusi case
by abhi srivastava on Jun 03, 2008 10:17 AM   Permalink
i'd like to sterss on that media thing. munna u hav raised a very good point. these days media is totally n drastically encroached their limits just to maintain the TRP high.
we should make it clear that media is not some sort of bloody MORAL POLICE.. their job is to inform about the happenings across the world.. in any case presented by the media or the cases which are making rounds the media is prejudice. can anyone tell a controversial case in which media is not prejudice.
its the job of courts to see if someone is guilty or not.every1 has its own job.have u ever seen news on those channels which shows a whole 5 hrs program on a nude lady ws seeen on mars n aliens n comets n all that shit.. they are sending wrong superstitous,incomplete and manipulated information i think MEDIA IS THE BIGGEST LOOSER. we should have restriction on media as we have in CHINA.

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