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Unnecessary Hype
by aj on Jun 23, 2008 02:32 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Aarushi's case has been hyped over the board. Dont we hear many similar cases in the country everyday? Why this case is suddenly so important? Just because it happened in Delhi?

So many farmers have suicided in Maharashtra which is a much more important issue than following some girl's murder case in some corner place in Delhi.

Common guys. There are so many other important issues that this country is facing. Let the police, law and Aarushi's family members tackle the case. Dont waste ur valuable time on this.

May God rest Aarushi's soul in peace.

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  RE:Unnecessary Hype
by nitin kumar on Jun 24, 2008 05:56 PM   Permalink
This is totally a messed up case with no clues left for the CBI.They are just digging their hands in the mud and hoping to come something out of it .....nonsense investigation

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  RE:Unnecessary Hype
by dakshin on Jun 25, 2008 11:08 AM   Permalink
If clues were there CBI would not have come into the picture. Lack of presentable evidence is why CBI was called. It is non sensical of an investigative agency that has handled the case to come out and repeatedly say it was not handled properly by the police.

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