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Mathew did right thing...
by Anuradha on May 29, 2008 03:42 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Arushis case has been bungled by NOIDA police but in Mumbai Mathew did right by killing Neeraj Grover. He behaved like a possessed lover, who was committed to Maria, totally unknown that Maria is having flings in Mumbai behind his back. If I recollect, Maria was asked by Mathew to throw him out...Neeraj also said few words from behind, which Mathew heard. It was stupidity of Maria to underestimate Mathews love for her...she put the cell off and next morning Mathew was on her door. In the fit of rage, a passionate lover, a true lover, a lover who has been cheated by his ladylove, a person who has lived each and every "seconds" of the night before he took a flight to Mumbai...did what a normal person could have done or should do!!! He found, Neeraj naked, and he killed him. It was not preplanned and it was on the spur of a moment. I am sure Mathew will get less punishment and I am sure he must be internally very happy that he finished Neeraj. He kept alive Maria, hoping that he may get away with the murder (which wasnt possible at all) or may be, he still love her. I am not worried about the comments the readers and I am with Mathew as he did what his heart said..

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  RE:Mathew did right thing...
by Raam on May 30, 2008 04:45 PM   Permalink
Shabash Anuradha! Here is a woman who supports ghastly act of murder! You should also appreciate their talent of cutting the dead body in to 300 pieces for disposal. What an artistic display isn't it Anuradha?

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  RE:Mathew did right thing...
by rayavarapu gopal on Jun 02, 2008 06:08 PM   Permalink
Miss ANURADHA, U R SICK. How can you support and justify what mathew did was right? Killing is not an answer for everything. You are saying he is true lover, and fyi true love doesnt kill anyone. If he thinks she cheated him then he should go away from her life or else other possibility is to kill her rather than neeraj. Anuradha u r mentally instable with all respects. Think before you write something. Think what might be happening about the family of neeraj to lose a grown up successful son. Because of this girl, one lost his life and the other is going to end up in jail.

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  RE:Mathew did right thing...
by minhaj khan on May 30, 2008 12:31 PM   Permalink
o.k. miss anuradha, i thought that u really r of ultrmodern world where killing sumone on behalf of nadness in love meant nothing. wat did u wanna say, just go and ask to the parents of neeraj what is going around them. wat wld happen 2 u if u might be da sister of neeraj, i know what mathew did was under circumstances, but u see he immediately realized that whatever he did was taotally wrong. don't post comments like this which cld hurt the sentiments of readers but try to make things easier in place of giving contradictory statments,whatever is happening in case of arushi, that is bcoz of her parents only who actually didn't want to nab the actual killers as they themselves involved into it. i think theses words r enough 4 u to make the things clear.

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  RE:Mathew did right thing...
by Mihir Apte on May 29, 2008 04:11 PM   Permalink
will u say the same thing if neeraj was your brother?

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  RE:Mathew did right thing...
by Dharmendra Singh on May 30, 2008 01:27 PM   Permalink
Hey why to kill any body, it not him only, Maria was also responsible for that, She cheated him, If some body is cheating than there is no love, matthew should have understand it.

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  RE:Mathew did right thing...
by Punyakumar on May 30, 2008 03:54 PM   Permalink
Mathew should have left Maria instead of killing Neeraj. He would have had a brilliant career. Mathew had taken a risk knowing the lifestyle of Maria.

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